Yeah, thanks Congress! Who in their right mind thinks a lot of middle class family can really afford that?
I don’t know what do about about my school cost
I plan on going to ASU ( I will be majoring in Health Sciences at Downtown, also in Barrett), and I didn’t too well on my tests because I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I’ve barely gotten any scholarships because others on here write I’m not well scored enough for merit scholarships. I only got offered the Direct Subsidized Loan and the Parent PLUS Loan, neither of which I have accepted or declined yet. I’m gaped at about $30,000, really, and I’m stuck on what to do.
I thought you were in-state for ASU. Tons of people have told you that this school was not affordable. I’m not sure what other advice you are looking for.
You have been offered excellent advice in your previous threads- I’m not sure what else you want people to come up with.
Your parents make over double the national median income. You’re not going to get need-based aid anywhere except the super tippy top places. But you don’t have the stats to get in there.
People suggested other schools but you are dead-set on ASU.
There isn’t going to be a money fairy that comes out of nowhere.
And PS- even if you had an EFC of 0, the most you’d get is around 5800 in Pell.
Yes, I am an Arizona resident. I just din’t have any other options for schools so I’m working as best as I can right now with what I have.
I am working on the Residual testing for ACT,for hopefully a higher University scholarship ( My Admissions counselor is also using my GPA and class rank to work some things out) but I’m waiting until I can afford the $ for the test cost.
Even then, @romanigypsyeyes, that’s $5,800 that one did not have. Even that would help me. But I know what you are saying.
The COA for an Arizona resident is just under $30,000 so how are you gap at $30,000
Hello, @sensation723, here is a Year breakdown of my Financial Aid, which is under my Financial Aid Tracker on MyASU.
Award Summary Category Offered
University Grant Grant $614.00
ASU Academic Achievement $2,000.00
Direct Unsubsidized Loan $5,500.00
Direct Parent PLUS Loan $22,628.00
Academic Year - Total Offered: $30,742.00
This school is not affordable. Period. What are your community college options?
You need to get your direct cost. That is tuition and room and board. I’m sure that $30,000 include stuff like personally expense and travel. Since you are instate your travel expense may be lower.
Your gap is the $22,628 Parent Plus Loan. The rest is financial aid to you.
If your family won’t help you with these costs…then you cannot attend this school.
Did you talk to your parents? What are they willing to pay?
I know it’s not affordable, and believe me, I’ve been so stressed about the Financial Aid aspect and everyone on here probably thinks I am crazy for still going through with ASU.
Pima Community College would be a option. They sent me a flier for being a Merit Scholar and with the registration packet/papers, etc.
Again. I definitely see people’s points about ASU not being affordable. It’s mostly been my Dad who has helped me with this college stuff and he’s so stoked I got into Barrett and for once I feel he is really proud of me as a first gen college student. I just feel like I’ll let him down. He’s asked about the scholarships ( I applied for one through his work’s foundation) and I finally granted him Access on MyASU. I just don’t know how to bring all this stuff up to him. :’( :’(
ASU Base Tuition & Fees = $10,158*
What are the room and board costs for Barrett?
*This is for 2015-2016; it doesn’t look like the numbers for next year are available yet.
I thought you had an option of UA or ASU and commuting? You’ve picked schools with cost of attendance, with housing, of over $30k. You don’t have $30k. There just isn’t any way to change that. You do not have the test scores to get a merit scholarship at most schools. If you could save almost half of that $30k by commuting, that might work but it would still be a big stretch.
Your options? 1)Take a gap year and retest. I do not think your scores will go from 20 to 30, and I don’t think you’ll get much in merit aid until you increase the scores by a lot. 2) Go to a community college and also work to pay as you go. 3) Look for a much cheaper school. Try the WUE exchange schools like South Dakota or NM. They do have cheaper tuition and some merit money.
@BelknapPoint, I apologize, it is the Direct Unsubsidized Loan- $5,500.00
I was finally able to load my FAN, my net cost is $28,128/ year it says (Minus my grants/scholarships)
@twoinanddone Copied from my SAR: EFC: 034053
Do you know how much of their EFC your parents can actually pay? If it’s not a considerable amount, you should seriously consider going the community college route and then transferring to the 4 year you can commute to. It’s getting very late in the game, nothing has changed and it doesn’t appear that anything will. Unless your parents can pay a good chunk of that EFC, you can’t afford Barrett and ASU. And you’re in good company - many, many students do not get to go to their preferred schools for financial reasons. And please don’t feel as though you’ve let your parents down. You got into the school, which was a great achievement. It has nothing to do with you that you can’t afford it.
Your EFC exceeds the cost of attendance for Barrett. You didn’t get need based aid because your EFC is higher than the cost to attend the school.
You got a little scholarship…but not enough to make this affordable without your parents helping you.
This isn’t news…time to move on.
Nice that your dad is “stoked” that you got into Barrett. Doesn’t do a speck of good unless he is willing to pay the cost for you to attend.