<p>Is it ok to be that much over the limit or are colleges really strict about this</p>
<p>Is this the common app personal statement or a college specific essay? Because if it's for the common app, then I think 550 words is fine.</p>
<p>Columbia app. Instructions say 250-500 word essay.</p>
<p>50 words is totally fine, nobody counts and that small of a number isn't noticeable</p>
<li>Does it flow?</li>
<li>Are there superflouous words?</li>
<li>Do you think losing words will hurt the meaning of the essay?</li>
<p>If you think the answers are yes no yes then don't edit. also helenrez is right...but sometimes essays can get redundant.</p>
<p>Check for repetition, complicated sentence structure, when it's not needed, and also, check if it express the essence of your personality.</p>