<p>Depends where. I dont think Canada counts 9th grade as HS..</p>
<p>ya i think it does, at least in BC and ON</p>
<p>Yes, but it doesn't matter, since for Ontario schools at least (and I think for most Canadian schools generally), only your grade 11 and 12 marks are looked at.</p>
<p>"I've already talked to the OP about this. To be specific, she should go for the school that she thinks she has a reasonable chance at. If she thinks she has a reasonable shot at Yale, then it makes no sense to apply to Penn ED.</p>
<p>However, one usually has to be realistic and honest when applying to colleges. If the OP believes that her chances at Yale are very low, then it would be a smart move to apply to Penn. It's a move that's more likely to pay off."</p>
<p>I completely agree with big bro. That's how I got into Johns Hopkins ED.</p>
<p>I am not completely disagreeing with you. However, you have to take into account that some schools do have international "quotas". Personally, I don't know any Canadians who got into Wharton ED, so IF they don't accept any Canadians in the ED round, then why apply there?</p>
Personally, I don't know any Canadians who got into Wharton ED, so IF they don't accept any Canadians in the ED round, then why apply there?
<p>Then you assess that you don't have a reasonable shot at Wharton. It's really that simple.</p>
<p>But the OP is applying to Penn ED. Not Wharton; Penn.</p>
<p>Hello blue_sky,
Most top schools deny the fact that they have quotas, although we are pretty confident to say that there's a rough cap in %. Wharton does accept Canadians ED. One of my friends this year got into Wharton ED, did I mention that she got into Huntsman also? :D</p>
<p>@ Big Brother,
That's what I am saying. Assessing not only personal qualities by also external factors as well.
I realize it's Penn, and Wharton is a part of Penn along with the engineering, arts and sci...</p>
<p>Hi Lubinli,
I am only saying IF (note that they are capitalized in the post) and giving an example =)</p>
<p>And, I just want to clarify. I have nothing against applying ED Penn/Wharton. I am only using it as an example. </p>
<p>As well, all the best to the OP in her ED Penn.</p>