My final question before the application process..

<p>I am international, with absolute no money...
My parents make about 16000 dollar a year, and can't spend any money on my education. I have two choices at this moment 1: stay in my own country and go to a univerity which ranked 41th on the world ranking and getting a full scholarship.</p>

<p>My second choice is to go a us college, which is always a dream of mine.
And this is my question... are there any colleges besides the big univeristy like harvard yale, williams, who give a full scholarship??</p>

<p>I hope you can help...otherwise my applications will only restrict to the big uni..</p>


<p>williams, amherst give excellent finaids and are not big universities.. though they are very selective of course.
and if you want FULL scholarship, your options are limited. though most colleges that aren't top ranked may not give you needbased aid, many do have merit-based scholarships you could win.</p>

<p>well good luck.. and if your stats are good enough to get u into those 'big universities', u shouldn't ahve much prob... i guess.</p>

<p>just my 2 cents</p>

<p>Most of the top 25 LACs give out excellent full scholarships, despite the fact that they are not need blind. So do most Ivies and other top private universities (e.g. University of Chicago)</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>Bogororo is 100% correct. There's nothing else to say i guess..</p>

<p>Alot of schools give out full scholarships except they are hard to get. The best one (not a big school, not as prestigious as HYPS) I can think of at the top of my head is Washington U of st.louis -gives full aid to those brillaint brillaint applicants.. but the competiton is very fierce of course.
And of course, I think you should apply to HYPM, williams, as you will probably have a better chance there than non needblind schools.</p>

<p>yea, WUSTL is a good one. It comes in at no. 11 in the new UNSWR rankings, before Cornell, Brown, Rice and others. Maybe not as prestigious as HYPS but reputed nevertheless and on the way up!</p>

<p>which school is the M in HYPM?? MIT?</p>


<p>16000 $ is a big money man. my parents earn appr.3000$.
in my opinion: if you have achieved both academicaly and personaly very well ,you may have full you have excellent goals?</p>

<p>depends from country to country.. family income of 16000 is ok in india. and as one knows is not enough to pay for college..</p>

<p>get a fee waiver from your school princi and dotn pay any app fees . that saves you off 500 $ ( for 8 univ approx) ... also make lists of univ with aid and scholarship and make your profile accordingly. </p>

<p>Consider univ with ful tuition scholarships also.,....</p>

<p>There are many ways like these that reduce the cost..</p>

<p>also for aid you will get gud amt provided u hav got stats that are gud.. like at duke ( for non-need blind ones) ur searching and email adcomm for answers .</p>

<p>@ SMARTMIND</p>

<p>I need scholarships that covers at least 80 % of the expenses. Can you give me a site where I search scholarships??</p>

<p>if u're looking for outside scholarships, try</p>

<p>it has all sorts of scholarships but most only give you a fixed amount like $1000 or $10000, not some % of your college expenses.</p>

<p>if you meant scholarships from colleges themselves, you'll find the info on their respective websites...</p>

<p>For me, I'm looking for Uni's that have financial aid for international students and also has Electrical/electronical/chemical enginnering in thier programs.
So far, I've managed to find out about MIT, Stanford, Caltech, Uni Pennsylvania, Duke, Princeton, Yale, UMich. Have I missed out any?
As much as I've always dreamed of getting into MIT, I have no idea how I weigh against the rest of the applicants as the Malaysian grading system is very different.</p>

<p>your SAT I and SAT II scores (although only one of the determining factors) should give you some idea about where you stand...</p>

<p>hmm. my SATs which I took last year weren't so great as I lacked of reference material to study for. Verbal: 620 Maths: 740 ( must be because of some careless miscalculations)
Will be retaking the new SAT in November and SAT II in december for Math II, Phys and Chem.
Though Malaysian schools do not offer AP, I'll be taking mine in may 2006 for Calc BC and Phys C.
Appart from SATs, I would also like to know how my highschool records weigh against US highschool's GPA system. Thats why I would prefer to ask a Malaysian about it :D</p>

<p>Sat not impressive at all..... .. . . try for gud...
And deference .. for scholarhsiip there is none i have even found by extrenal agencies in india.....Only ones available form Univs is there.....for that check univ policy which states it clearly teh situation for intels

<p>Yeaps totally not impressive. But i've got the materials now :P I'm actually quite confident now</p>

<p>That is cool ..what materials are u using......</p>

<p> the finaid form.....2004-2005..then that will give u a basic idea about the financial aid provided by various US colleges...then u can shortlist ur RDs and EDs....accordingly..</p>