^You’ve got to be kidding; right after you say:
“Let’s not kid ourselves here. AA is there, and it screws over ORM kids, especially. It helps URM, but screws over the ORMs.”
@IAmTheGOAT I would actually say otherwise. This is just my personal opinion. But I think affirmative action at elite schools helps white students more than URMs. And hurts Asians anything. Be honest. Harvard could fill their student body twice over with Asian applicants and with Asian American applicants. However, affirmative action prevents schools from turning into Cal or UCLA. Because if race AA wasn’t in place, they would be able to easily do that. Now, is there anything wrong with that? No. I love diverse student bodies. But idk if elite schools want that or want articles written about them in a similar way to that of “the University of China at Illinois”.
Sorry if someone already mentioned this but students at the same school can still be discriminated against based on race without any regard for socioeconomic status:
Two students applying to the same position from the same school could be perceived differently based on the implied race of the name
Maybe certain teachers grade black students’ papers more harshly (without even knowing they are)
Students at the same school could receive different punishments for the same offense based on their race.
i agree @wayneandgarth I don’t often get riled up about things but @Iamthegoat comments have irritated me up all day… Stop with the racial assumptions/inaccuraries here…this isn’t the first thread that you’ve started/stirred up in this way…people are better than that here at CC…its one of the big reasons that i hang out here…
@iwannabe_Brown Read it wrong. Sorry.
what do you mean both ways? It says the white resumes got more downloads. Isn’t that the same thing as more call backs?
If it is established that certain types of names are disadvantaging applicants then why continue giving kids names that will be a socioeconomic burden?
A white parent who names a kid “Lolita” or “Adolf” is asking for trouble.
Yes, I’m sure that someone who wouldn’t grant an interview to someone named Tyrone is going to be completely open to hiring “Blaine” after he finds out Blaine is black.
@greeninohio - “Blaine” lol.
But Tyrone never even got past the resume cut. Blaine has a chance. Why knowingly disadvantage your kids in the 1st round?
A lot of immigrants to the US have a lot of ethnic pride, but they change their foreign-sounding first names to something more pragmatic.
If you’re dealing with a racist employer - even one who is unconsciously racist - why on earth would your given name make a difference. Blaming the parents for naming their kid what they did is just absurd victim blaming.
LOL. I’m sure Joe Prandathimir fools the racist HR professionals all the time. You do realize that you are making a very solid case for the continuing need for affirmative action, don’t you?
Since this thread is about the OP not getting into Vanderbilt, I would suggest that most successful applicants don’t disadvantage themselves by scoring a 33 on the ACT. I would also suggest that there are very likely black female applicants with ACT scores higher than 30 that didn’t get in, which would mean that the OPs friend did not, in fact, get in just because she was black.
@GMTplus7, so basically, instead of trying to get people to stop assuming black people are less qualified, black people should just stop being so black. Then they wouldn’t be discriminated against.
Changing your name because you’re tired of people butchering your name is one thing. Saying it’s a parental responsibility to not name your child Jamaal or Malik because everyone will assume they’re not as qualified as Jason or Matthew is absurd.
Adolf and Lolita are specific people - not simply names associated with a given racial background. Hans and Martina certainly wouldn’t have the issues Adolf would.
@SouthernHope I am deeply sorry to hear thst I have offended you, but let me say that he AA thing was already there before I started commenting. To put the blame on me for voicing my opinion among the many others who have also talked about this just seems like you are targeting me, and I don’t appreciate that.
Yes, I have talked about AA in the past and there are absolutely zero inaccuracies or assumptions in what I said. Prove to me that I am wrong in a PM. I have clearly stated that I don’t want to openly talk about AA on this thread anymore, as it’s against CC rules.
I respect your opinion and can only request that you respect mine. There’s a reason AA is a hotly debated topic; I have just as much entitlement to what I say, as you do for yours. I can understand why you would be upset, but there’s no reason to get “riled up” and point fingers at people. I also find it extremely amusing that my couple of measly comments got you so worked up!
@CaliCash Thanks for being kind about the response. I can understand what you’re saying, and believe that that is precisely why I see merit in AA, too. Diversity is important, and I wouldn’t want to lose that, but wouldn’t a better approach than skin-color-based AA be nice? Maybe something like AA for colleges based on economic status. Those kids probably have a lot more diversity, and have a lot more to offer from their unique and tough upbringings. Just an opinion of mine.
I’m making it absolutely clear now that any discussion about AA isn’t allowed on CC threads (but I think there is one especially for it) so please message me if you are interested in conversing regarding this. I apologize ahead of time for voicing my opinion with an intent only to spread my humble viewpoints, in case I hurt any others.
@IAmTheGOAT AA conversations are allowed. You’re just supposed to have them in the pinned thread under college admissions.
Perhaps this upper middle class Asian male from CA was named Tyrone? He was accepted to Harvard SCEA.
Tyrone probably plays hockey.
Too late to edit the above post but I also dredged this up:
This was an AA female rejected from Stanford and Yale
So what have we learned from these two examples? Nothing. And nothing is what we can intelligently offer the OP regarding why her friend got into Vanderbilt and she did not. But by all means lets keep the Tyrone vs. Blaine debate going.
When we named our kids we thought long & hard about the ramifications of their names on their opportunities in life.
If a significant number of the population will make negative assumptions on the basis of a name, then we scratched the name off the list. We really loved the name Hannibal (famous Cathaginian general who took his army over the Alps to confront the Romans), but one movie made people associate the name w a psychopath cannibal. Jamaal & Malik also didn’t make our short list. Neither did Joe-Bob, Bubba & Jethro.