My friend has a problem

<p>I agree with Heron, I would have been outraged if this happened to me, and went to the principle immediately. Follow that 3 step process. First have her talk to the principle, if he does nothing, go to the superintendent, if he still does nothing, get a lawyer and the press involved. Also at that point also have her call the school she's going to next year and let them know whats up. That she wasn't being lazy and didn't have a case of senioritis, but that her teacher was a db.</p>

<p>My friend failed his english speech because the teacher hated him. He slashed her tires afterschool, put laxatives in her coffee and was going to plant a knife in her purse, but decided not to at the last minute. I wouldn't recoomend doing ANY of this, but if you are desperate and vindictive... fill in the blanks :)</p>

<p>I fully believe a teacher would act like this - she is probably feeling stung because she was proved wrong. It happened to me. I confronted (privately and respectively) a professor who said something just plain wrong in class that showed an ignorance of a classical reference (it was English lit). She admitted I was right when she saw it, but was furious and couldn't stand the sight of me the rest of the semester. Got a C.</p>

<p>I would absolutely recommend that the parents ask for a meeting with the teachers and higher ups. The sooner she does this the better, because the longer time passes, the more the teacher has time to make her bad grade look unconnected to the incident.</p>

<p>Wished i had parents that could yell and scream for stuff</p>

<p>^ Hehe, you should see my parents. They're almost a little too protective and offended if a teacher acts wrongly towards me. Luckily, most of my teachers are very reasonable and understanding. If someone corrects the teacher for something that they say or do wrong, then they are always very welcoming, or sometimes crack a little joke like "I was just testing you".</p>

<p>Parents are always the way to go in situations like these.</p>

<p>Give us your school's phone numbers and emails so everyone on CC can pester them. (This gives greater leverage to the threat of going to the press.) </p>

<p>Create a petition.</p>

<p>Overwhelm them with protests (from others) about the injustice of this matter.</p>

<p>As I am currently procrastinating on a research paper (due in 6 and a half hours) this scared the bejesus out of me...</p>

<p>As an update: Parents have been involved. The D stands. They are sittin on "we are a private school and may do whatever we want"</p>

<p>She has the final and one or 2 test grades to make it a C (one of the test grades is a "slam poem" to be performed tomoro wish us luck!). She can do it, shes amazing. Im still furious for her, but at least he will graduate.</p>

They are sittin on "we are a private school and may do whatever we want"


<p>Not if they want certification.</p>

<p>Try the higher authorities.</p>

<p>she has unfornately accepted her fate</p>