My friend takes the SAT sunday

<p>Since my friend is a seventh day adventist he will be taking the test tommorow on Sunday...... Are the questions gonna be the same ( surely they won't be) is the curve gonna be the same? I meam if the saturday test was easy and his hard but they get the same harshcurve, that is totally unfair. Does anyone know what they do??</p>

<p>99% sure sunday is a different test</p>

<p>how about the wouldn't be fair to have the same curve...yet it wouldn't be fair to have a curve with so few people eather</p>

<p>I thought curves vary between SAT I tests, so perhaps its a different curve, based on CB's assesment of the difficulty of the test</p>

<p>It would be interesting to see if sunday scores are generally better or worse, and if that reflected the economic/relgious/moral backgrounds of those that write that day. I am not stating anything, it would just be an interesting thing to study</p>

<p>well, that is a good question. i mean, lets say that a lot of jewish people take the test on sunday and also a lot of upperclass religious kids, they probably all score really well, and, in effect, have a harsher curve. whereas the saturday test is filled with a range from idiots to smart kids. that is my hypothesis.</p>

<p>well if you guys want to know, for the aps late testing ALWAYS curves terribly; its use as an incentive to prevent cheating and lyin</p>