My GPA Junior and Senior year

My GPA is currently a 2.6 (I tried to take a honors math…bad idea on my part) but what Im making now I should make a 3.0 or 3.1 or a 2.9 by end of my junior year will colleges look at my first semester of my senior year so they see it will even get higher because say I make a 2.9 by end of this semester I don’t want colleges to just decided after my junior year and see I have a 2.9 and I know a 3.0 is just right over it by a little but a 3.0 seems way better than a 2.9 in my eyes seems real major but I could just be over thinking.

I don’t see how a honors math course could drop your GPA to such a low threshold, unless you are struggling in other subjects too.

If a 2.9 is what you get instead of a 3.0, that is just what you are going to get, not much else to say.

@RMNiMiTz well sorry if I got confusing my main question was tho will colleges look at my first semester of my senior year :-@ I tend to ramble a lot sorry.

Yes, colleges will look at your senior year. However, it won’t make up for your junior year, which is the most important year of high school in regard to applying to college.

@cc8912 Ok Thank you very much