My IB Schedule

<p>Hey everyone, </p>

<p>I am doing the Diploma Programme and wanted to get some feedback on my schedule for Senior Year in terms of the rigor of classes and if I'll be able to handle it based on my current (junior) course load? </p>

<p>Prospective Schedule
IB Math HL
IB Physics SL
IB Chem SL
IB 20th Century World Topics HL (HL is required if you're at my school doing IB)
IB Spanish SL (Language is required)
Theory of Knowledge/AP Econ (Required, 1 semester each)
IB English HL
AP Calc BC</p>

<p>I don''t know if I should use the last class for AP Cal BC or a study hall... </p>

<p>Current Schedule:
AP Calc AB
Theory of Knowledge (1st semester)
IB Spanish 4
Physics Honors/Pre-AP
AP Chem
AP English
AP Stats</p>


<p>Wait, I don’t understand; they make you do AP Calculus in addition to HL Math? We just take the AP exam as a byproduct of our HL Math curriculum. Are you in the Diploma Programme? Your TOK class suggests you are, but your absence of Junior level IB classes suggests that you are not. </p>


<p>I would use AP Cal BC as an elective instead of a study hall.</p>

<p>As for the junior level classes, instead of two years of IB my highs chool makes you take the AP Class of the same subject and then crams the two years of IB into senior year. All of the AP Classes have IB trickled into them (quite weird IMO).</p>

<p>That’s a bit different…in HL math we take AP Calc AB junior year and AP Calc BC senior year. We kind of neglect learning anything about BC and cram IB curriculum into senior year as well though. </p>