My interview is next week.....

<p>and I'm really excited but also really nervous. It's my first interview and I mean I know how to carry myself and how to interview but it is simply just making my anxiety levels rise. Any tips please?</p>

<p>I say instead of thinking as something rigid like a job interview, try to keep it as a casual conversation. The questions that you ask also play a role in determining whether you are a fit for Vassar too. You can ask anything from “How strong are the science programs at Vassar?” to “What is a typical Friday night like as a Vassar student?” Interviewers are just glad to answer your questions so you will be fine.</p>

<p>thanks but how about this:
i googled me interviewer to find out that the person I replied to in a email as Mr. may or may not be a woman. What if I was wrong?</p>

<p>did they contact you or do you have to contact vassar?</p>

<p>I just had mine.</p>

<p>They contacted me and it took place at the alumna’s dad’s office. But i must say she was a great person. very lively she did alot to make me feel comfortable and told me straight out it was informal so all i wore was a nice blouse and blue jeans.
Her questions were intially about my school and how classes are organized with the occasional crack here and there (her past HS is my HS rival). she was lively and funny and all around it was a great info session and pretty much sold me on vassar. i hope your experience will be similar.</p>

<p>If your into the school’s publications you could ask the alumna to have one mailed to you, you can also ask about the Loeb art center and the music centers and how inspiring it is. you could also aske about their own study abroad experience and how much flexibility there is in classses. etc.</p>

<p>Just act natural, cliched i know but true.</p>

<p>I contacted Vassar through my application I believe the deadline to request an interview was the deadline for the application. Then they contacted me. </p>

<p>Thanks for the interview advice Relainer!</p>

<p>So perhaps this was just my case, but when I interviewed 2 years ago (I’m now a Vassar student), I had such great time. But I do remember that my interviewer asked me very specific questions on how to write an essay. Really. General structure and analysis. We talked about an essay I wrote on Sexual Puritanism in America and its relation to 1984. We also talked about classes I took and what exactly I were learning about…that led to a conversation about the politics of Poland and then somehow got to Christopher Marlowe spy conspiracies. </p>

<p>So most importantly, BE YOURSELF. My interview completely casual, I wore exactly what I wore to school. I think that day I wore turkish pants with red heels. I’m not even kidding. But that’s me. Wear what makes you confortable and confident. </p>

<p>Ask questions that YOU actually are interested in. For heaven’s sake, if you don’t care about the Loeb Art Center, don’t ask about it! I remember asking if Vassar held any fashion shows, because I love to make clothes. The interview is about you, so let them know who you are, unique and/or as quirky as that might be.</p>

<p>So relax, be honest and have a great conversation.</p>

<p>I requested an interview through the common app in mid december and they still have not contacted me back… Would it be appropriate to e-mail them and request it again? I really want to make sure I have one, but I know they are backlogged on applications and trying to get through ED ones first (I applied RD)
I think an interview would really help my chances. Is anyone in a similar situation?</p>

<p>Good luck on yours, zefranzter! As far as advice, I’ll reiterate what everyone else said; be yourself, don’t be afraid to ask quirky things. Just show them who you are. And relax… its ok to be nervous, but don’t let that hinder your confidence. They won’t ask you anything you don’t know the answer to… just be honest!</p>

<p>Just curious… when did you submit your app? And when did they end up contacting you about an interview? Thanks!</p>

i got contacted for an interview and said that once i replied, they would confirm the interview date.
I replied through email but i never got a confirmation so Im not sure what to do :/</p>