<p>Hi all, I have a few miscellaneous questions about the freshman first quarter I'm hoping some Sophomores can answer. I am desperately confused :(. Feel free to answer just one of them!</p>
<p>1) Is Math 51 very challenging if you have a reasonably solid understanding of linear calculus, but no exposure to multivariable calculus? Does the 50 series fulfill all the requirements that 40 series does?</p>
<p>2) Is the ACE series worth it in either Math 41, 42 or 51? I am a prospective engineer, but I fear the workload may be too intense. Does ACE add homework and exams, or does it simply increase class time?</p>
<p>3) Since Physics 41 is not offered in the Fall, and most mechanics courses depend on the 40 series, what do prospective mechanical / electrical / aerospace engineers take their first quarter freshman year in terms of physics? </p>
<p>4) Is there a formal placement system for physics and math, or will I only discover my qualification for certain courses in the first three weeks after I've tried them?</p>
<p>5) How come online applications to Intro Sems are unavailable as of now even though the application process opened on the 17th of August? Is there another way of applying?</p>
<p>6) In the long run, do Engineers get to declare their major as late as everyone else, or must they decide earlier?</p>
<p>7) How does one approach such courses as SOC 161: The Social Science of Entrepreneurship (SOC 261) that have no posted prerequisites or restrictions? Are Freshmen allowed to enroll in courses such as these?</p>
<p>Thanks if you've made it this far. If your interests or questions are similar to mine, feel free to post away. Hopefully some wise soul will deliver us from confusion.</p>
<p>BONUS question: If Abe Lincoln and George Washington got into a fight, whod win?</p>