My Legacy (Passing the time)

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>MIT > Caltech ;)</p>

<p>Your name is traveling aboard the Dawn spacecraft
on its mission to the Asteroid Belt.</p>

<p>won't all those names weigh the spacecraft down and require more fuel? this doesnt seem to be a very efficient plan, especially with gas prices as high as they are.</p>

<p>what are you talking about stephen?</p>

<p>it says that it'll record your name in a microchip.</p>

<p>you realize this information is probably stored on a harddrive. </p>

<p>Assume a whole name is 20 characters long- that's 20 bytes. 20 bytes = 0.000000018. GB.</p>

<p>Say everybody on the earth put their name on this site. That's 6,446,131,400 people [according to the CIA [and they know everything]]. </p>

<p>0.0000000186264514923095703125 GB * 6,446,131,400 = 120.068 GB. About one hard drive's worth of names. </p>

<p>And it gets people interested in the space program.</p>

<p>So, a bad idea? I think not :p.</p>

<p>note to namkim: 'twas a joke</p>

<p>yeah actually i was joking. being that this is the MIT folder, and seeing as I am applying to MIT, i actually am not that stupid.</p>