My letters aren't in yet!

I am applying ED and asked my counselor and a teacher to write me a letter of recommendation. My common app still says “not started” for the letters. I emailed them a couple of weeks ago just to make sure they had everything they needed- but still nothing. Should I be worried? Should I keep bugging them?
It’s 10/25!

I’d say if it’s been a couple weeks, you can remind them - best in person, but if you’re uncomfortable via email. But you don’t know if they’ll read the email quickly.

If you say to your teacher,

Hi Mr./Ms. Smith,

My ED application to xxxx and all the materials are due before November 1st. I really appreciate you writing a letter on my behalf and with the deadline soon, I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder.

Thanks so much.

You can also ask if they got the common app link…

In person is much better if you can.


Oh goodness, I know how stressed you must be. If your recommenders are experienced, and anything like ours, then they will submit the letters on time. In one case, it was the night before! A gentle nudge/reminder couldn’t hurt though. Deep breaths…

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Agree with the two above but would ask you when you asked them for the LoR’s if you set an expectation with them by what date you needed them? A nudge is helpful but express the need by X date. They might be working through them in batches and expect to upload them all at once this coming weekend.

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Thanks . At my school I fill out a form that says when the due dates are. I know they are busy, but - ugh it’s getting close!

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One of the two teacher recs at S23’s school waited until the literal due date to submit the letter. It was nail-biting. Followed-up as gently as possible but it sounds in hindsight like he does this every year.

It was stressful but in the end these teachers and counselors know the drill so they almost always get it done. I suspect the colleges are more accommodating about their deadlines than the students apps as well.


When did you make the request? I know mine asked for LOR’s the spring of junior year. I get the frustration, my daughter had a heck of a time getting a college LOR submitted on time for grad school.

Yes - I also asked Spring of Junior year. I touched base with them at the beginning of the year and gave them information and due dates. A couple of weeks ago I emailed the teacher asking if she needed anything else…I don’t know WHAT to do about the school counselor! Just makes me nervous but I don’t want to annoy them and possibly affect the quality of the letter.
Does the common app send LOR teachers reminders?

The good news is that most schools only ask for the pieces of the application YOU provide by the due date. There is a grace period for LORs.

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I did not know that. Thanks!!!

This happened to me with some October 15th deadlines. I would call the admissions office if it seems like they just won’t be there on time. The schools I was applying to thankfully both allowed 2 weeks after I submitted my application for things like that to be uploaded.

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makes me so nervous!

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