So it’s been a while since my last post. (i never use this site – I just wanted a way to reach out to people and hear a different side of the spectrum than just my own mind or my close friends who will usually side with me)
If you haven’t read my other thread, basically I was asking for everyone’s opinion on whether or not I was being dramatic or not about having to dorm with my sister. My parents made a compromise with me and said that I either dorm with her or I don’t dorm at all.
A lot of you were confused as to whether or not she was a twin or not, well, she’s my older sister. This upcoming fall season for 2019, she will be a junior in college ( a transfer from community college, this will be her first time at a real university) and I will be a freshman. She is 20, I am 18.
I probably did come off as an ungrateful brat that was selfish, but I guess it’s because all my life I have grown up in a household where my mom micromanages EVERYTHING I do.
I should have been more clear with my situation in my last post. I am currently living in a different city right now that the college I got accepted into is in. However, my parents are MOVING to that same city when I start my first year. Now can you see why I have an issue? I already have to put up with them moving to the same city as me, and now I have to deal with them making me room with my sibling when ALL I WANTED was to get away and have some freedom.
Of course, I could be being completely unreasonable and I am aware of all of the parents on this website.
And of course, I AM grateful for them compromising with me! All I’ve ever wanted was a normal college experience where I get to live on campus and be independent for once in my life. I am also aware that it is their money and I would never take advantage of that. I am thankful for their support.
However, I am also probably not being thankful e n o u g h. I appreciate everyone’s advice from my last thread, it was a nice slap in the face. If anyone else has any input and advice for me on how to handle my situation, it would be really appreciated