My plan to get in...would it work?

<p>My weighted gpa : 4.5</p>

<p>SAT (taken once with no help): 1820
ACT(taken once with no help): 26</p>

<p>I will take a course and project my scores to be in the range of 1900-2000 and 29-31</p>

<p>My deal is this: I did pretty well on my freshman year, then sophomore year came around and I did the mistake of taking too many challenging courses (doing well on the AP's and pulling through with a C in Algebra 2 honors and a D+ in Chemistry honors oddly enough) Junior year came and I brought up my grades as I finally began to really juggle more AP's and all honors into my rigorous schedule. I am currently doing grade replacement for chem and I have a 98% in the class so its going well.</p>

<p>I've taken a total of 7 AP's so far.</p>

<p>I'm in the top 20% of my super competitive (and big 1000+ students) school</p>

<p>My fortes are art and writing. I took AP art drawing portfolio and scored a 5. I have exhibited my work in galleries and have won awards such as the Scholastics art and writing honorary mention.</p>

<p>I visited UM and I've decided that its perfect for me, I loved everything about it:)</p>

<p>My question is: Would my chances of getting admitted into UM increase if I were to apply either ED or EA (don't know which yet) into the school of architecture, where a portfolio is required for admission?</p>

<p>Or would it be the same as applying normally undecided?</p>

<p>I'm asking this because my portfolio would help my application a lot!</p>

<p>Also, since writing comes to me easily, I expect to deliver a strong and powerful essay too.</p>

<p>By the way I'm a resident and I'm hispanic and a female from a low-income family. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance:)</p>

<p>It is my understanding that yes- applying ED or EA increases your chances. However, UM is terribly expensive and I would be pretty sure you can make it work financially before committing to ED and not applying anywhere else.</p>

<p>You would be in the top 20% of your grade. Not your entire school.</p>

<p>I just read a post by a UM parent that the admissions rate for EA is higher than ED…that’s good to know. You might also want to verify. Good luck!</p>

<p>@AnnieBeats no my class is actually 1000+ kids its a ginormous school</p>

<p>Well you said that you were top 20% of your super competitive and big 1000+ student school. Your words. Not mine. That’s why I replied the way I did.</p>

<p>@AnnieBeats‌ sorry haha meant to put *class in my * between 1000+ and student </p>

<p>My school has more than four thousand students</p>

<p>Have you ever even seen your college counselor? How do you manage?</p>