My Predicament (UCs)

<p>Hi, I’m just wondering whether or not I should retake my SATs. On the October SAT I scored a 2140 (700R-720M-720W).
I plan on applying to UCI, UCB, UCSD, UCLA, and UCSB.
I understand that these scores are in the range for the UCs, but I also have a poor gpa
(3.7 UC GPA), but my GPA has increased greatly throughout my freshman-junior years.
2.2-2.4-3.16-3.83-4.0-4.0. Thankfully the 2.2 and 2.4 were in freshman year which isn’t calculated into the UC GPA.
I’m currently taking APGov/APecon, AP Calc BC and AP Physics in my current senior year. However, I only took two APs in my junior year (scheduling conflicts). </p>

<p>Do you think it’s necessary for me to retake the SAT in December (taking subjects in november for the first time) to improve my chances at the above UCs? Oh and I know UCB and UCLA are big reaches anyways, but I’m just applying there anyways…
Though I am really hoping to get into UCSD at least.</p>

<p>bump :o..

<p>I don't think you'll necessarily have to retake the general SAT, especially if you get respectable scores on your subject tests. However, it never hurts because I think that you can pick your top scores in each category if you take it multiple times. (It's been years since I applied to UCI, UCSB, and UCLA.)</p>

<p>I also think that the fact your GPA increased throughout your high school career is something that would be great to mention in your personal statements. It demonstrates that you have gained focus and are able to assess your priorities. (Nice work, by the way.) :-P Just make certain that you play up your GPA to highlight your talents and what you've learned.</p>

<p>Well you can't superscore for UCs, but thanks for the advice, I am definitely fixing up my personal statement to explain my grade point improvement. =] Thanks!</p>

<p>i dnt think ucla and ucb are that big of a reach for you; i've seen people with ur stats get in</p>

<p>Bump, can someone please give me some advice?
Should I retake my SAT? I can probably bump it up to a 2200+, but would it have any real effect?</p>

<p>I say it doesn't hurt to try again. I had a slightly lower GPA than you, but a slightly higher SAT, and I was rejected from UCLA/Berkeley. However, your upward trend does look good, and I know someone with a little lower than average UCLA GPA get in because he had a magnificent upward trend.</p>