<p>two words: campus tours.
i've never been on one. i'm going to be a senior this year and soon will be applying to college, yet i've never taken a campus tour.</p>
<p>what's your problem? you are a slacker. campus tours are important! i can here you saying this in your head.</p>
<p>i know. i know more than you know. i have just never had the opportunity to go on one and i won't ever have the opportunity.
my parents are always busy with work. frankly, they don't have time for a social life, so they certainly don't have time to cart me about the country looking at different schools.
two, funds in my family aren't exactly free-flowing. we're by no means poor, but we can't afford take a weekend excursion at odd points in the year either.</p>
<p>it seems to me that this puts me at a severe disadvantage when trying to apply to out of state schools. how can i express fully why i want to go somewhere when i haven't been there?
i don't wish to go to any of my in state schools in north carolina primarily because i feel the need to have new experiences, but also because none of them fit my needs (certain majors and whatnot).
so what am i to do? what am i supposed to say if the college asks me why i want to attend their institution? is it a good enough excuse to say that i haven't been there because my parents are too busy and the funds are not there? probably not.</p>
<p>does anyone have similar problems? it would seem like it..</p>