<p>No one will know. On the other hand, I was banned for the spam thread a while back and my cuss words. But that aside, I was wondering when we were supposed to move in.</p>
<p>Your not special, go post where everyone else is posting.</p>
<p>Actually I am. My location at UCSD is more important than everyone else combined. But that aside, has anyone missed me?</p>
<p>Yes <em>sniff</em></p>
<p>you're in NA right?</p>
<p>Miss Blue Sky's Facebook, 100% confirmed ^^^</p>
<p>And why the H E double hockey sticks don't you have jack's mannequin on there?!</p>
<p>??? 10 char</p>
<p>It looks like North America is going to be introduced to some hyphy. muahahaha</p>
<p>W T F? Something Corporate is hyphy?!</p>
<p>^ no no, I'm just saying because of IRAN.4's comments in the now infamous Hyphy thread: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=374102%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=374102</a></p>
<p>I didn't know Miss Blue Sky was asian..</p>