<p>hi guys! Im a senior and I just applied regular decision to a lot of reach schools, but I have iffy stats, highish sats and a really, really poopy gpa so I have no clue if Im going to get in anywhere.... </p>
<p>GPA: 3.4 unweighted
CLASS SIZE/RANK: 140, top 25% (school doesnt do rankings)
SAT: 2250 (reading 800, writing 750, math 700)
SATII: Lit 760, US history 720
APs: euro 3, US history 4, lang/comp 5, (Im in 4 more this year; will have taken 7 out of the 10 offered at my school)
-habitat for humanity club- president
-film club - treasurer
-english club - vice president
-gwyoa youth symphony - first flute
-all state band - first flute
-all county band - first flute
-wind ensemble - first flute
-Injae Project - founder/director (volunteer organization in S. Korea)
-taekwondo - junior instructor (2nd dan black belt)
-varsity track
-Intertex Apparel Group - intern for 2 yrs
-english tutor - 2 yrs, paid
Cornell, Tufts, Brandeis, Vasser, Villanova, Boston College, Boston U, Amherst, Middlebury, Duke. (all for arts and sciences w/ anthropology or internat'l relations major)
SAFETY: suny binghamton, fordham, syracuse u</p>
<p>...and thats the gist of it. theres way more ECs and awards and stuff, but I think this is enough to give you guys an idea. I got my essays checked over by a Cornell admissions officer (used to be our neighbor, lucky!!) and he said they were above average, interesting, and well written. But my SATs and GPA dont really match up well so it was hard trying to find target schools, and my mom made me apply to some really reach-y ones. My grades are seriously worrying me since Im an asian girl and I also have meh SATIIs and less than a SATI 2300.... Anyways, please chance me, and thanks!</p>
<p>I will be brutally honest and not very positive. In my opinion your GPA and AP scores suggest that you do not work very hard and may have trouble keeping up with with a seriously rigorous course load at an elite competitive college. In my opinion, it would be one thing if you had a ton of AP courses, low class grades but 5s on all the AP test scores. That would suggest you were just not keeping up with all the busy work in class, but learning a lot. However, judging from your AP scores, I would say you are simply having trouble learning.</p>
<p>i kind of already knew that my stats would seem like that…
SATs and essays were kinda my only hope. is there no way i could get in to any of the schools i applied to??</p>
<p>i just got my new SATs scores: 2310 superscored (reading 800, math 720, writing 790, essay 10) and 2270 in one sitting</p>
<p>does it help even a little bit that i have higher scores now, or does it just make my gpa seem even worse?</p>
<p>whoa, columbia?! no way, thats awesome!! did she have super legacy or something? i already got denied ED by dartmouth, but i wasn’t really expecting anything. i half did it because i ran out of time and it was the only good school i really liked that had no supplement hahaha
i’m definitely royally screwed though, because my first quarter grades were like… mostly 89s and 88s…</p>
<p>tufts is definitely my favorite right now, but it’s so selective!!!</p>
<p>thanks for chancing me! your GPA is kinda low, but your SAT score is pretty good. you also have good ECs and leadership so that should help you too. Cornell, Tufts, Duke and Vassar are going to be tough but i think you have a good shot at all the other schools good luck! and btw are you korean? lol</p>
<p>Boston U and Villanova should be good matches. I’m not sure about the rest… it would most likely take some luck. Of course a really good essay will help.</p>
<p>Cornell: Reach
Duke: Reach
Brandeis: High match
Vassar: Reach
Tufts: Reach (do well on the YouTube video)
Amherst: Reach
Middlebury: Reach
BC: High match
BU: Match
Villanova: Match (are you willing to try the waitlist? Villanova waitlists people for no apparent reason)
Binghamton: Low match
Fordham: Safety
Syracuse: Low match</p>
<p>Your safeties should be no problem. BU, Villanova and Brandies are realistic possibilities in my opinion. You have good SAT Subject Test scores and a good AP lang score. Also, excellent SAT Scores. However, the SAT measures freshman and sophomore level math, reading and writing skills.So, you are good upto Algebra II. The elite reaches need to know if you can easily handle AP level courses. A low gpa combined with low AP scores do not suggest you can.</p>
<p>@masterofpupets - yup, i’m korean, how’d you know? was it the list of schools? hahaha my mom almost forbade me from applying to vasser because it was annoying to pronounce in korean.</p>
<p>@perazziman - hmm… i took ap euro in sophomore year so i had no clue what i was doing, and our teachers switched like 4 times because apparently, everyone got together and decided to have a baby that year haha. I do well in AP courses because they’re hard and i actually try, while i bombed all of my easy classes in sophomore year like regents trig and chem with low 80s because i started feeling like they were less important. (dumb idea, i know)
…and, well, i suck at math and science, but anyways!!
i pretty much only took hard classes senior year so i wouldn’t slack as much, and i have mostly 95s and above in the 4 AP’s im taking now, two of which are bio and statistics. having good AP course grades in one year wouldn’t offset the whole gpa thing, would it? And many of the reach schools i applied to were based off of my mom demands, i knew they were way above me, but i didn’t mind too much. as long as i get in somewhere!!</p>
<p>Cornell, Duke, and Tufts are looking a bit hard (simply because of the low GPA). However, do not get your hopes down! Your spectacular SAT and great ec’s will definitely make up for it.</p>
<p>As others have mentioned, your excellent SAT scores show that you’re smart, but the GPA makes you seem lazy. The APs don’t help much either.
Cornell: High Reach
Duke: High Reach
Brandeis: High match
Vassar: Reach
Tufts: Reach
Amherst: Reach
Middlebury: Reach
BC: High match
BU: low Match
Villanova: Match
Binghamton: Low match
Fordham: Safety
Syracuse: Low match</p>