My school combines AP and IB??

some background, my highschool is (one of?) the only school in the area that is an “IB school” meaning we offer IB courses and the diploma. to students interested in IB it’s great, to students not interested, it’s detrimental. My school recently began offering IB/AP English 11 and 12 instead of IB English and AP English separately… meaning that it’s pretty much IB curriculum for 2 years with the option to take the AP exam at the end of the year.

to IB students this is great, but to those of us that want to take AP English, it’s a big rip off. they’re also planning to combine AP US history and IB history of the Americas next year, even though IB HOTA is a 2 year course?

does anyone else have this at their school? and is this even okay for a school to do?? I’ve never heard of another school doing this

That’s weird. My school does HL English and AP English Lit exam during junior year. But the class is only IB students while ap lit has their own

Yeah that’s weird. I heard of IB students taking AP test but not the classes being combined.

Our school combines some and separates others depending on what’s covered on the exam. Most foreign languages are combined. Most math are separate.

My school does this for all of the IB cources, except for TOK which is not offered to non-diploma students. All of the courses, however, are only cosat for the first year. As in, I’m currently in HL Language, which is cosat in junior year with AP Lang. Next year, however, all IB kids will be in their own class, and the AP kids will move on to take whatever it is they’re taking next year. Is this how it works for you? This current graduating class (2016) is the first class that my school has offered IB to, so who knows if they’ll change anything in the coming years. It sucks for the most part, but its nice that in case if I don’t do great on the IB exam, I could still get college credit with the AP exam (which of course you could do regardless, but its nice that its part of the course.)

Our school combines ap & ib Spanish and psychology and maybe others that I am not aware of.

My daughter’s school does:

Junior Year- Lang Arts 3/AP Lang/IB HL Year 1
Senior Year- Lang Arts 4/AP Lit/IB HL Year 2


Junior Year- APUSH
Senior Year- HOTA HL Year 2

in the IB school where I live, junior year is all APs and then senior year is all HL (2 SL and TOK) IB courses. for example, junior year you would take AP us history and then senior year you would take IB HOTA HL

At our school English courses are not combined, but IB students still take the AP Lang and AP Lit exams.