My school isn't strong in computer science. Should I do it still? Confused freshman

<p>I am currently in accounting which my school is well regarded for. But this topic isn't clicking with me. I am absolutely baffled by all the entry terms and financial terms. Granted I've only studied the subject for a semester so I am not giving up, but I can't really tell if I'm just not cut out for this or if I am not trying my hardest. But, I don't get excited at all to read the textbook. I am just so confused. I want to like it because it's a good program at my school and accounting seems safe for the most part. Just not sure. </p>

<p>Anyways my school is in the 100s for tier 1 so nothing special at all. I have a general interest in comp sci and took an intro class over the summer. The comp sci major/dept at my school though seems bad. Barely anyone majors in it and I don't think the curriculum is as strong as most schools. Would it be a bad idea to switch and do computer science at my current school?</p>

<p>I get the feeling comp sci is a major where you really need a strong reputable program at the school to do well in and get a good job am I correct? Accounting on the other hand seems like you can really go anywhere to learn it exactly the same. The only difference will be possible networking opportunities due to the school. But with computer science it seems I need to major in it at a strong school for it because the material is difficult. Am I right thinking this?</p>

<p>You should major in what you’re interested in. Have you discussed this with someone from the computer science dept?</p>

<p>Is the CS department associated with math or engineering, or a standalone department? (as opposed to being part of business)</p>

<p>Does the CS degree program have ABET accreditation?</p>

<p>Does it have upper level courses in the following?
algorithms and complexity
theory of computation
operating systems
software engineering
computer architecture</p>

<p>Computer science and especially software engineering is unique in that your career path is mostly based on how you acquire relevant technical skills AFTER your first job. When you factor in technology trends, niche certifications, geographic area specialties and the INDIVIDUAL DRIVE to learn new technologies. Entry-level engineers from all schools are pretty much starting from the same line.</p>

<p>Here is an scenario which happens a lot in software engineering:</p>

<p>New Grad #1 is from Top-15 school.
New Grad #2 is from school ranked 50-100.</p>

<p>New Grad #1 may be working at one of those highly sought after firms.
New Grad #2 may be working at a lesser known firm making $10,000 less a year than New Grad #1.</p>

<p>After 3 years, New Grad #1 continues to stay at highly sought after firm.
After 3 years, New Grad #2 decides to learn the latest “hot thing on the street”…let’s say cloud computing using Ruby, Scala and they picked up a “Data Science” certificate from let’s say Univ of Washington.</p>

<p>New Grad #2 changes employers (which is more accepted nowadays after just 2 or 3 years) and has made up any salary gap (and probably more) on Grad #2.</p>

<p>Since both are now experienced engineers, recruiters are not comparing undergrad schools as far as selecting candidates. That was a fresh-out-of-school thing.</p>

<p>I plan to talk to someone in the comp sci department and say I have a general interest. But I do not know if it’s what I want to do. Accounting just seems so “eh” to me but mainly its just tough and I don’t know if I see myself in the business field. I feel badly though because I based part of my school decision on this good accounting program and placement the university has.</p>

<p>Anyways, I believe my university is NOT ABET accredited and they are not ranked for computer science. </p>

<p>My state flagship on the other hand is and is one of the TOP for computer science. My school does not require any science classes or higher calculus prerequisites where as the state flagship requires chemistry, physics, and strong math. I was considering transferring but I am already too behind for those prereqs and although I know chemistry isn’t used in comp sci, I believe physics is? And I am not strong in science unfortunately.</p>

<p>Anyways, I don’t know if it’s worth doing it at my school. I also know its a hard major but I’m thinking maybe if I could get the hang of it, I would enjoy it more than accounting. Such a hard decision I am so unsure.</p>

<p>These are the upper class computer science classes listed for the major:</p>

<p>Database Systems
Object Oriented Software Development</p>

<p>Distributed Systems
Intro to Compiler Design</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Be aware that courses for a comp sci major are likely to be VERY different (and probably lots harder) than an intro class. See if you can talk to folks on your campus to learn more.</p>

<p>Is there a reason why you are not naming your school?</p>

<p>If it is what I think it is based on your previous posts, the catalog does look like it has a decent selection of CS courses, although it does appear that the major accepts some less-technical IT-type electives. However, you should check the schedule to see how often each course is offered.</p>

<p>Accounting isn’t conceptually hard, but it is a new lauguage and it takes time to understand it. Accounting classes aren’t hard just time consuming. Computer science on the other hand wiith engineering prereqs is hard as hell. Going from accounting to CS might be like going from the pot to the fire.</p>

<p>Hmm understandable thank you. I agree acc is more time consuming than hard. But I am struggling with the material right now and since I am in my second introductory class, I’m wondering if it’s a sign that it’s not for me and may be a good weeder class to help me realize other options. Tough to figure out even though obviously it’s up to me.</p>

<p>I feel like if I do computer science at my school it will certainly be hard, but I’m just worried about the content I’m learning. I don’t think any of the profs are highly regarded, and the fact there are not many prereqs to switch to the major make me a bit hesitant. However I realize advanced courses are much different and difficult than an intro so I don’t want to switch and then end up NOT doing it either. Decisions decisions. </p>

<p>Globaltraveller, that’s an interesting scenario. Thanks for that. My school is in more of the 100-150 range though =/</p>

<p>ABET Accreditation is nowhere near as widely called for in CS as it is in physical engineering. It would show a decent program, though.</p>

<p>I don’t think you should choose your major based on what your school’s strengths are. Do what you love, but you don’t love either yet. :)</p>

<p>In addition to ucbalumnus’s questions about the strength of your department, you can look at how many “leftover” classes there are after the major requirements, and how many classes are required. If the CS major requires 5 CS classes, and there are only 7 to choose from, that is bad. :)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>


<p>Is that a concrete list of classes to signify a good computer program at a university. Are there any other classes that I should look for in a course catalog?</p>

<p>The courses named above are typical core advanced CS courses. There are often other courses in various specialties like artificial intelligence, graphics, user interfaces, security, etc. that are available as electives. Of course, that varies by school. How much they matter to you depends on your interests.</p>