My school only has 2 years of Spanish-- can I apply near top-tier?

I am not making any judgements just trying to wrap my head around why a UC professor and family would be not be given benefits afforded to other staff at the UC’s.

Wishing you the best on your quest to find the right college financially, academically and socially.

It’s because they are not “other staff” or support staff. They are the supported.

UC professors can’t strike either.

The ones who support the supported, and who make less than the supported, are the ones given these consolation perks.

I’m not saying this is right (as in good and proper), I’m telling you that this is the way it is.

Incidentally, my father is constantly cajoled into putting money into gifts and presents on various occasions for staff who are in two-income families and have more money than us.

The OP has the answers he/she needs at this point. The topic is becoming circular and has outlived its usefulness. Closing.


Thank you for the clarification and educating me on this subject.

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