"My scores are up!" *** NOT REALLY ***

<p>My scores are up! I know it's not Nov. 21 but for some reason they're up! how'd u do?</p>

<p>All right!</p>

<p>Brought my cr up to a 760 from 680.</p>

<p>writing- 730, but it doesn't matter I already got an 800 on it on my last date.</p>

<p>math- 700,w/e, got 710 last time, sat math can get tricky sometimes, especially with the time limit...</p>

<p>how'd you guys do?</p>

<p>If only, lol.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s a really lame and old prank dude. If you wanted to pull it off right, you could have at least got the correct date of Nov. 20th instead of Nov. 21th…:mad:</p>

<p>Yeah, he’s not too brilliant is he?</p>

<p>^ hahahahahaha epic fail.</p>

<p>Okay. What time will the scores be up tomorrow morning?</p>

<p>silly silly</p>

<p>they ARE actually up, I’m dead serious.</p>

<p>Sorry I made a careless error, who cares if I got 20 mixed up with 21, it’s an internet forum with people I will almost certainly never know.</p>

<p>I am just as confused as you are as to why my scores are up, but they’re up.</p>

<p>“it’s an internet forum with people I will almost certainly never know.”
doesn’t that comment hurt your own argument?</p>



<p>You also brought your PHAIL section up to a whopping 805!</p>

<p>A screenshot please, because it is most definitely not up for others.</p>

<p>Just checked and they’re not up – how bout a screenshot?</p>

<p>guys give him some time. he needs it to work out his ******** on photoshop</p>

<p>OP, you suck – this is NOT funny!</p>

<p>Lets count how many people actually rushed to CB to check their scores.</p>



<p>hahahahahhahaahahahhaahah lol lol lol AnnonAnnay good one.
obviously the poster does not know the brilliance of us true CCers. Photoshop, hilarious lol</p>

<p>^overreact? what’s so funny.</p>

<p>i hate you kind of people.</p>

<p>See… and that one guy said these threads were not funny. You were wrong!</p>

<p>simmer down guys</p>

<p>it’s no big deal</p>

<p>NO BIG DEAL</p>