<p>I know it's too early to post my problems here, because I haven't taken SATs yet. But I'm really worried about my academic future. Please see the followings and give me some advice, I'm in a dilemma///////////// </p>
<p>Asian Female (Junior) (Briefly summary)
I have been in US for 2 and half years, from a novice who didn't even know the meaning of word super become a student who struggles for entering college. Sometimes I belittle myself of being Chinese, unlike those young Asian Americans take various APs and get high score, but I am struggling not to get a B in my AP classes. I rank #2 in my class but I consider myself catching the fluke, because in my freshman year (the year I came to US) I took 5 LOTE classes out of total 6 classes per day. I'm a member of school Marine Mania club for 2 two years, a class council member and a NHS member and a not remarkable community service. (By the way, I have serveral worthless rewards and public&screen violin experiences) </p>
<p>Do I have any hope to enter a competitive college/university? What can I do to improve my chance to get in? Any advice is appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Go for what you like to do and don't just join every timewasting activity that comes your way. Forget worthless awards. Forget community service unless it is in an area that concerns you. Take a B once in a while as a trade-off for doing some other interesting EC--something that is of high interest to you that you will get deeply involved in. </p>
<p>Distinguish yourself from every other overachieving student that thinks they have to have A's to be attractive. Realize that there are many more interesting people who get B's sometimes. </p>
<p>Try not to belittle yourself for being Chinese and not having all A's, how silly to think that is the only goal in life to get easy A's in AP's. #2 in class and feel so worthless, is that the Chinese philosophy of life these days?</p>
<p>Where are you trying to get in? Must you be HYP or something to have any worth? </p>
<p>Please understand that there are over 50-100 top schools for you to choose from. So you have the equation backward. Rather than wondering if you can get in any, you should think which ones you'd like best. Start with a list of the 200 acceptable ones for you; narrow, after some reading to 35 - 50 or so. Then, start to get a feel for the ones that rally appeal to you and see if you can do a short list of 15. If you can visit any over your next year that's great.</p>
<p>Thanks for ur suggestion, bettina.
My mind was wandering when I post the previous post. Chinese people have the habit of competing one another...........I'm influenced~I think....</p>