<p>I’m a high school junior i want to know my chances of getting into JMU
I have an unweighted 3.4 Gpa
when i gradute i will have taken 3 aps and 6 honors
i recieved a 1250 on my SAT the first i took it (I am taking it again and hope to get atleast 1300)
I am taking the SAT 2 for US history and i am confident i will be very well
I am president of DECA as a junior and will be again as a senior
I am an officer for FBLA
I have taken business electives and will will have completed all but 2 business classes offered by time i gradute
I have 3 years work experience at a law office
i do a far amount of charity work (at this point i have not done a ton, but i will do a lot more this summer)
I went to am invite only leadership conference this fall
I will be a first generation college student ( i do not know if this will help just thought i would throw it in)
I played football freshman and sophomore year and i was captian of the freshman footbal team until i injured my knee and could no longer play</p>
<p>Not sure what JMU is, but this would probably get a better response posted on that forum…</p>
<p>meant to change it to OSU</p>