My Spring07 Schedule

<p>Econ 101A - Card
Stat 134 - Wong
Math 113 - Samuels
Rhetoric 10 - Coffeen</p>

<p>= 15 units total</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Me: Spring admit Transfer, class of 09 (on the 5 year plan :)), Econ/Math major, Rhetoric minor</p>

<p>Rhetoric 10 with Coffeen is amazing, at least after taking the class with him. He is a dynamic professor and very charismatic. Some consider him arrogant, but I think otherwise. Reading is light, but can be dense sometimes. (I'm a rhetoric major)</p>

<p>According to the Math Department website, Math 113 is a good transition course to upper division mathematics. Just make sure you have the prerequisites.</p>

<p>A little heavy, but it should be okay.</p>

<p>yeah, rhet10 is a really awesome class. I loved Coffeen, but he is a little bit arrogant I think in terms of thinking that his opinion is THE opinion. Really engaging class and super cool reading list.</p>

<p>yeah i actually planned on taking 113 this past summer (along w/ 110) and ended up dropping it (fairly early on, thank god). the first class was way in over my head. i'm surprised its actually listed as a good transition course. i would choose 110 over 113 any day as it just takes 54-material and gives it an upper-div twist (ie proofs proofs proofs).</p>

<p>anyways i am super excited about rhetoric! i've heard so many great things about the dept. which other rhetoric classes/profs have you guys had?</p>

<p>I've had Professor Kaja Silverman and she's absolutely amazing. Lectures turn out to be more like discussion sections sometimes because she encourages discussion in class. She's also entertaining to the extent where you don't fall asleep and she covers concepts thoroughly. I enjoyed her class and look forward to more classes with her.</p>

<p>I'm taking Rhetoric 152AC with Prof. Permaul and its different, but just as interesting. I'm also taking Rhetoric 39G with Prof. Cohen and he's a good professor. Definitely engaged in the material and seeks to clarify abstract legal terms.</p>

<p>oh man, stats 134 is soooooooooooooooooooooo painful. since you're an econ major i advise you take a lower div stats class to fulfill the stats requirement :)</p>

<p>otherwise make sure to devote your life at the Student Learning Center if you want an A in that class.</p>

<p>i want to take ieor - decision analysis (after i get it approved as an upper div econ elective). stats 134 is a pre-req.</p>

<p>how's stats 131?</p>