My state univ. for free or UNC OOS at cost?

<p>I can go in state for free (scholarship) or attend OOS UNC for $35K? Any suggestions?</p>

<p>well, more info is needed to give a reasonable answer…I would have a different answer if your in state was Michigan vs., say, Kentucky.</p>

<p>Yeah, more info needed. What school is it and what do you want to do? If you want to, say, go to law school, you should go to state school for free, because your UG has basically no bearing on law school admissions. On the other hand, if you want to do something like investment banking straight out of UG, going to UNC over somewhere like Ole Miss would be a HUGE advantage.</p>

<p>given the username, I think its safe to assume that OP is from Tennessee</p>

<p>in-state for free</p>

<p>as much as i love UNC, you can’t beat a free college education, and your experience wherever you end up will be what you make of it.</p>

<p>thanks for the advice</p>

<p>I agree with leah377 to a certain extent, but it also really depends on what you want. </p>

<p>If I had gone to my state university, I would have actually been making a few thousand dollars a year going to college. But I really wanted to go out of state, so I ended up at UNC, and I definitely have no regrets.</p>

<p>Is your in-state UT or one of the other state schools?</p>

<p>It depends on your school.</p>

<p>also are you a journalism major?
because if so, go for UNC.</p>

<p>in state would be MS</p>

<p>I would go with UNC-CH over any of the Tennessee state schools except (maybe) UT, even at the cost disparity, as long as you can reasonably swing it. The quality gap is pretty huge.</p>

<p>Depends on what you want to do. UNC has some stellar programs. If you are interested in Science or Engineering I would recommend UT.</p>

<p>UT has a good engineering college as well as chemistry and biology departments that are all very research intensive. The UT-Oak Ride Natl. Lab partnership means UT does a ton of top shelf research.</p>

<p>If the choice is between UNC-Chapel Hill & the Univ. of Mississippi, then Chapel Hill is probably the better choice if you can afford it. I recently visited Ole Miss, Alabama & Georgia among many other schools. Alabama is wonderful & offers guaranteed merit scholarships to qualifying students. That may be another option for you to consider.</p>