My stats...can i get in?

<p>These are the colleges I am aiming for:
- Boston University
- University of Texas in Austin
- Boston College
- University of Florida
- maybe Sarycuse</p>

<p>About me (aka my stats):</p>

<li>top 5% in class</li>
<li>IB candidate</li>
<li>GPA: 3.8 unweighted</li>
<li>aiming for at least a 28 on ACTs</li>


<li>Head of Art committee </li>
<li>Web Design President</li>
<li>Website Manager for NHS</li>
<li>NHS member</li>
<li>Marketing Manager for Robotics Team</li>
<li>I also have a job</li>

<p>Volunteer (I currently have over 200+ hrs)</p>

<li>Advertising for Hospital</li>
<li>Advertising/graphic design for teacher</li>
<li>Teacher's Aid</li>
<li>Staff member of Non-profit organization</li>
<li>Random activities around school</li>
<li>Various Walk-a-thons</li>

<p>Junior Class Schedule</p>

<li>IB European History </li>
<li>IB Psychology SL</li>
<li>AP Statistics</li>
<li>IB Spanish IV SL</li>
<li>IB Theory of Knowledge</li>
<li>IB English III</li>
<li>IB Chemistry II</li>

<p>Next year (this comming school year) i will take</p>

<li>IB English IV HL</li>
<li>AP Calculus or IB Psychology HL</li>
<li>IB Contemporary History HL</li>
<li>AP Chemistry</li>
<li>IB Chem HL</li>
<li>AP Government & Economics</li>
<li>IB Math Studies SL</li>

<p>(if i am up to it and refuse to have a social life senior year, i might take a couple online classes to boost up my GPA) xD</p>

<p>anymore stats you need, ask.</p>

<p>ur def in at BU and Cuse with Schollies!</p>

<p>UT, UF and BC ur in but not sure if u get scholly money.
at UT and UF it depends on ur residency status. ull get money if ur a resident of one of those states. at BC u have a better chance of getting money.</p>

<p>oOo thx ^^</p>

<p>i know i'll get into UF cause I am indeed a resident...go Bright Futures! It's practically free for me lol</p>

<p>thx for ur opinion</p>