My Stats & Help with where to apply

<p>Hi. I'm going to be a senior this year so I've just started the college search.
I'm interested in majoring in a science/health related major, and possibly double major in systems/computers.
I have taken the SAT once and am taking it again in October
CR: 600
Math: 660
Writing: 590 (usually writing is my best but I guess my brain just died)</p>

<p>ACT: 29 composite will take again in Sept.
English: 29
Math: 32
Reading: 28
Science: 27</p>

<p>I've taken a "rigorous" workload compared to others in my school.
I'm not sure about my exact rank but I am in the top 10% for sure.
Cumulative GPA: 3.9+</p>

<p>I have volunteer activites, a few leadership positions (Co- president, secretary, and PR)
also I worked at a chemistry research facility. </p>

<p>What are some reasonable colleges I should look at for applying?</p>


<p>Are you a URM?</p>