My study indicates gays should avoid Princeton.

<p>Using the very unscientific tool of the facebook, I have researched the ivies for the best gay life. Basically for each ivy I did a search for men interested in men and women in women. </p>

<p>Here are the results (keep in mind some schools are smaller than others)</p>

<p>MEN interested in MEN:</p>

<p>1-Harvard (211)
2-Columbia (137)
3-Yale (128)
4-Brown (111)
5-University of Pennsylvania (106)
6-Cornell (93)
7-Dartmouth (74)
8-Princeton (31)</p>


6-University of Pennsylvania

<p>WOMEN interested in WOMEN:</p>

<p>1-University of Pennsylvania (37)
2-Cornell (31)
3-Columbia (27)
4-Harvard (25)
5-Yale (22)
6-Dartmouth (11)
7-Brown (9)
8-Princeton (5)</p>


4-University of Pennsylvania

<p>COMBINED (an indicator of culture):</p>

<p>1-Harvard (236)
2-Columbia (164)
3-Yale (150)
4-Penn (143)
5-Cornell (124)
6-Brown (120)
7-Dartmouth (85)
8-Princeton (36)</p>


6-University of Pennsylvania


<p>Though this study is not scientific by any means, its results are remarkably persuasive. If you are gay and looking for a large community, look into Columbia, Harvard or Yale--The Winners. Dartmouth, Brown, and Penn are in the middle. Cornell and especially Princeton are to be avoided.</p>

<p>or maybe the gay population at princeton has resisted the lure of</p>

<p>Come on. The difference between HYC and Princeton is striking.</p>

<p>maybe it just shows that princeton is harder than HYC and people have less time to screw around on facebook =P</p>

<p>If you're curious how Princeton stands among other schools, here's the rank:</p>

23-BC (openly discriminates against homosexuals)
24-University of Oklahoma
25-Texas A&M
26-Kansas State</p>

<p>This is a rather stupid post. Okay, Harvard has 211 gay people while Princeton has 31. Harvard also has 19,650 students, while Princeton has just 6,000. Harvard does have a larger percent, too, but that's probably mostly because graduate students are much more likely to be open about their sexuality than undergrads, and Harvard's proportion of grad students is about 70%, whereas at Princeton the proportion is about 20%. Overall, looking at undergrads, the schools really probably do not differ that much in this respect.</p>

<p>I take class size into account, and the proportion of grad students with facebook compared to undergrads is much much much lower. Just scroll through and look. True-there is going to be variability, but doesn't it make sense to you that Harvard would have a more varied gay life? Go on the and check out some of the anti-gay editorials and the articles about how Princeton's Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgender group is struggling to combat the culture there. I remember one article in particular said that the gay community at Princeton is very small and almost like a little family.</p>

<p>(Regardless, the simple fact that the size is so small compared to Harvard indicates that the community is much smaller.)</p>

<p>u have so much time on ur hands....</p>

<p>But please note that I do understand the confounding variables:</p>

<p>-Facebook is voluntary response. Not everyone is going to have one. Thus, the sample size is limited.
-Some of the people put up jokes on the facebook. I tried to limit these in my data, but couldn't get all of them.
-A few grad students or lack thereof here or there might mess with the data.
-In the case of MIT, the population is heavily male so there will be fewer women interested in women.
-Some of the liberal arts colleges are so small that the data might be skewed. </p>

<p>However... the difference is pretty striking. Take Boston College, for example, which recently said that since it is a Jesuit-based college it is allowed to discriminate against homosexuals. You would expect there to be a lower population of gays there. And sure enough, its index is 4.53 compared to Columbia's 39.852--A liberal Ivy League college in the Liberal New York City which has "gay and lesbian activism" as an EC choice on its application. It makes you think, doesn'tit, that these results must have SOME validitity.</p>

<p>You don't take school size into account, though, and there is a very significant number of grad students on facebook. I'm not arguing that Harvard/Yale/Columbia are less gay-friendly than Princeton. Given their size, grad student ratio, and urban location, they are bound to provide an atmosphere more conducive to gay life, but the difference is nowhere near as large as you suggest through your numbers. As for Prince editorials, there are conservative factions on any college campus, and Princeton is no exception. Conservative opinions, however, are not the norm. One of the events for admitted students was a transgendered beauty contest, and I think the school's administration--even the president--judged the event.</p>

<p>Shrek, the fact that I have a lot of time on my hands is irrelevant. You don't like the results so you're trying to insult me. All I'm doing is giving helpful data to possible students out there, like myself, who are gay and concerned.</p>

<p>Halig, I do take school size into account</p>

<p>I normalize it by creating a ratio with the class size--That takes care of the huge difference in size between, say Berkeley and Swarthmore. </p>

<p>Berkeley had 241 gay students on facebook, Swarthmore has 28. But since Swarthmore is so much smaller than Berkeley, its index is 19.19 compared to Berkeley's 10.53. (Thus I rank it higher)</p>

<p>Halig, the transgendered beauty contest, if you look at the articles about it online, was an awareness activity by the LGBT group to help the weak LGBT culture at Princeton</p>

<p>A class-size difference doesn't take into account the graduate school populations at these schools. If you wanted to accurately reflect the numbers, you should use school size (including grad schools), rather than undergrad class size, since your counts include graduate students. It seems like either you're a really bad math student, or you're purposely trying to skew things against smaller schools like Princeton. I'm not sure which is the case.</p>

<p>The Prince didn't mention anything in that article about Princeton's "weak" GLBT scene, from what I remember. I also find it interesting that you so avidly read articles from Princeton's campus paper.</p>

<p>Halig, it would be inappropriate to include grad students as much as there are undergraduates because on facebook the VAST MAJORITY are undergraduates trying to get in contact with friends. A grad student is few and far between. If you wish, I'll go and take out the grad students from the Harvard and Princeton groups and recalculate.</p>

<p>Taking out grad students</p>

<p>Harvard decreased
from 236 to 218</p>


<p>from 36 to 31</p>

<p>Harvard Index: to 33.22 down from 35.96
Princeton Index: to 6.626 down from 7.7</p>

<p>Still a rather large margin.</p>

<p>Certainly, if I had a team of statisticians with me and a lot of time, I would take a simple random sample at each of these schools and calculate more specifically, but this is the closest I can get.</p>

<p>Wow, you're such an original and brilliant troll.</p>

<p>People who type like encyclopedias make me vomit.</p>

<p>Instead of insulting me for "how I type" (whatever that means), maybe, prettyfish, you should, if you care about this issue, go to Princeton and join the gay-straight alliance and work to change this problem. It's rather transparent that you don't like my results and you, then, don't like me. I have a lot of respect for Princeton (I love the place) and I'm sure the student body is enlightened and accepting, but its actual population of gay students is so low that it makes me wonder if they are scared off from Princeton in the first place.</p>

<p>Ulysses, I am not convinced that would be respected as a source of empirical information in any serious study. Many students do not indicate anything about whom they are looking for. There is definitely a prominent gay presence on campus at Princeton, and gay students are involved in the most "prestigious" eating clubs and activities.</p>


<p>Of course thefacebook is a far from perfect source of data. My point is that the difference between Harvard and Yale and Columbia and Princeton is so markedly different that it must be statistically significant. This conclusion is underscored by the fact that schools where you would expect lower index values (BC, WPI, Kansas Sate) indeed had them. </p>

<p>Of course Princeton will have its gay contingent. But it is much much smaller than those at Harvard and Yale and Columbia.</p>