My suitemate is a dbag

<p>So I come home and find my suitemate with some of his friends. I stopped by to chat, and in a few minutes they got up to go somewhere. I asked them where they were going, just out of curiosity. My super generous and kind suitemate said "nowhere, don't follow us" and shut the door in my face. Then, I realized that he was a noble individual with impeccable character.</p>

<p>"Principally I hate and detest that animal called man; although I heartily love John, Peter, Thomas, and so forth." Jonathan Swift</p>

<p>at least you’re taking the high road :)</p>

<p>I can’t figure people sometimes, how can you NOT think of how your actions make the other person feel?</p>

<p>Hang in there lollybo -</p>

<p>Today on my Spanish exam I had to write what my roommate and I do to get ready in the morning, and I said she shaves her mustache. It made me feel better about having to get out of bed in the middle of the night to let her drunk ass in after she left her purse at her friends. :D</p>

<p>lollybo-Stop over reacting. Don’t assume you’re always invited. He was just setting a boundary. If that is the worst thing he’s done to you’ve been lucky. Srsly.</p>

<p>Yeah, I could never put up with a roommate, unless it was a highly controlled and supervised setting like a boot-camp military barracks or something.</p>

<p>Living in an apartment isn’t much better. Last apartment I was in was noisy out the ying-yang, infested with pests probably resulting form other tenants lack of cleanliness, and my neighbor kicked my door in, at which point I left.</p>

<p>Now I live in an apartment where my neighbors just let their dogs roam, and his little, yet highly visible backyard/patio is littered with copious amounts of doggy doo-doo which is rarely picked up. Still pretty noisy. </p>

<p>They should outlaw steroes with subs that put out extreme amounts of noise, especially the lower base tones which penetrate deep into structures.</p>

<p>Its like a violation of privacy when someone blasts their music.</p>

<p>He apologized to me- he had a personal issue he needed to sort out and wasn’t in the best mood. Understandable- I thought his initial response was out of character, that’s why I was so shocked when he did it.</p>

<p>lollybo-Did you apologize to him for complaining about him on CC?</p>

<p>I hope to heck your suitemate doesn’t know you’re on CC. LOL!</p>

<p>I sure haven’t told anyone I post here!</p>


There’s a difference between politely setting boundaries and telling someone to F off in front of a group of people.</p>


No- because this forum is anonymous.</p>

<p>does anyone reveal their cc identity in real life?..</p>

<p>I don’t hide my internet activities from anyone, but they don’t come up very often anyway.</p>

<p>Some colleges seem to have meetups occasionally.</p>

<p>haha one time, someone on CC pm’d me a pic and asked me to rate how hot he was to evaluate why he was still a virgin. it turned out to be this kid I used to go to school with. :slight_smile: soooo awkward next time we met…</p>

<p>it could just turn out he was in a bad mood and just being neurotic or overreacting. at least he apologized so I guess take the high road and don’t mention it again.</p>



<p>im batman.</p>



<p>I assume what you said wasn’t very flattering ;)</p>

<p>dude I completely understand. My suitemates are total dbags too. Every night regarless if its a school night or not, they yell and scream about Anime and science fiction and some stupid board game until 4 in the morning. when i confront them about it, they just give me some sarcastic look and response. to make matters worse, one day when i went to take a shower, they snuck in my room and synced one of their xbox controllers to my xbox so now they can turn my xbox on and off as they please. and they wont fess up to it but they’re the only logical choices as to who could do it.</p>

<p>so anyway i completely understand. just avoid them. dont even associate with them if at all possible and get some new friends</p>

<p>Wow, I would probably beat the **** out of them. To the OP: Man up, who gives a ****.</p>

<p>christian612 is speaking 100% truth.</p>

<p>to OP, you probably came on too strong + his bad mood as it was,</p>

<p>and LOL to Alix2012, that sounds sooo awkward.</p>