My Summer Reading List

<p>My summer reading book...I mean reading list...........hold up.........what is a reading list?!:D (lol!) really, I hardly read, see, my only problem is just to get started w/ a book.......and my laziness always prevents me from getting started w/ even Stephen Hawking's or Sherlock Holmes' books! OMG!)</p>

<p>my summer reading list:</p>

<p>pre july 21st</p>

<p>harry potter 1
harry potter 2
harry potter 3
harry potter 4
harry potter 5
harry potter 6
harry potter 7</p>

<p>post july 21st</p>

philosophy for dummies
grapes of wrath (i feel like i judged it to harshly the first time around)
the communist manifesto
sense and sensibility
the awakening
the other boleyn girl
harry potter 7
harry potter 7</p>


<p>ew college..</p>

<p>I think I'm going to read the bible so I know what is going on in English for a change. Also maybe 1984 just because I hear all good things about it. Not really sure what else.</p>

<p>haha. I have trouble getting through classic books because I usually need suspence, comedy, or to be interested from the beginning. I just can't seem to get through the beginning of most "challenging" books...but once I'm through that, I usually love it. </p>

<p>So...I tend to lean towards either the Dan Brown; Bourne Identity; or mystery novel type thing. Or the Fever1793/Caroline Meyers historical fiction. Or romance: Nicholas Sparks. Or just complete chick lit--The A-list, Bergdorf Blondes, PrettyLittleLiars, Devil Wears Prada, etc.</p>

<p>so I made a rule for myself:
for every 10 chick lit/easy books I read, I must read 1 classic/challenging/school required book. Works out pretty well b/c I tend to read those ten books within a week. </p>

<p>of course, I'll have to make an exception for HP7!</p>

<p>right now, it looks like I'm reading:</p>

<p>Harry Potter 7
Neon Bible
1984 (this and Neon are way overdue at the library)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Random stuff my English teacher recommended that I forget the names of.</p>

<p>fudgemaster: no i didn't have a job! i did for the last couple weeks of summer though. but i suffer from a dislike of daytime TV and friends who either have no money or a demanding job. leaving me with freetime, not to mention a love of the English language. ;)</p>

<p>imran: the full count of monte cristo is definitely worth it! I love that book! I've read the full thing at least a couple times already...
the movie's terrible though.</p>

<p>Dumas was really good in elementary school, but then I lost interest.</p>

<p>^^ That's ridiculous.
I love The Count of Monte Cristo and I spit on anyone who reads the abridged version.
My summer booklist:
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas (Any Count of Monte Cristo lovers out there who liked this one too?)
Henry and Clara by Thomas Mallon
et. al.</p>

<p>^^I hope your not suggesting that I read the abridged version, pumpkin pies.</p>

<p>In Cold Blood is interesting. I read it during the school year, so I had to read on and off. I alternated between forcing myself through it and being totally hooked. I'm not exactly sure why. </p>

<p>I liked Brave New World. It was another I had to pick up and put down a lot, because of school. It was good enough to keep me reading. </p>

<p>I loved Slaughterhouse Five, but I'm a bit of a Vonngeut fan, so I'm biased. Vonnegut's style of writing is right up my alley. </p>

<p>My list is always a very long work in progress. I read A Farwell to Arms a couple months ago, and I liked it, so I might pick up some more Hemingway this summer. Not really sure what yet. I read the Fountainhead during the winter, and I'd like to get Atlas in this summer, if I can. </p>

<p>I have a three-week hole, though, where I won't be allowed to read anything in English, since I'm going to governor's school for Spanish. I'm going to bring some books in Spanish with me. I still need to finish A Orillas del Rio Piedra Me Sente y Llore, by Paulo Coelho, and I'll probably find something by Isabel Allende to bring with me too. </p>

<p>I need to finish The World Is Flat. I've been meaning to read some Heinlein, so if anyone knows anything good by him, I'd be obliged. </p>

<p>I wish I had more time to read. I would happily freeze time so that I could read for a couple years without missing out on life. There's a lot of books out there that I would love to read, but don't have the time for.</p>

<p>I said I spit on anyone who reads abridged. Why would I suggest that you read it? I just meant it was ridiculous that you read Dumas during elementary school.</p>

<p>I have a few books that I HAVE to read for school. Otherwise, I'll probably try rereading those "classics" I read last year but did not understand at all.</p>

<p>I read....... the newspaper! :D</p>

<p>^^^ zomg you are so 1337.</p>

<p>I wish I could read the newspaper.</p>

<p>^^ If only I had the time. JK, I try to at least skim it daily.
Don't you read books in college?</p>

<p>Referring to collegeguy not run. Sorry.</p>

<p>Yes, I do... we call them.... text books</p>


<p>^^ l0l. Ugh, that zero thing is still worrying me!!!! </p>

<p>Textbooks are for wimps. You need man books. Like The Count of Monte Cristo Unabridged Version. That's a man book for sure.</p>

<p>wow, man books eh? I'll look into that for the summer (when I have free time ;))</p>


The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas (Any Count of Monte Cristo lovers out there who liked this one too?)


that's actually one I should have listed in the thread of books I could not get through. I've tried it a couple times, and I just can't get into it!</p>