My transcripts are bad. What are my chances of admission?

Hi all, Nutrition and Dietetics major here. I’m currently in my fourth year of CC, though I only switched to Nutrition last spring (after 3 years into environmental science). I was unmotivated and my mental health wasn’t great for the most of it, but obviously they won’t know/care so I won’t get into it.
My GPA is a mere 3.02 and I have 5 W’s. Yikes, I know. I would love some insight on my chances, and some other options. I am so lost right now.
I love my major so so much and I know this is the right career for me, but those math and chemistry classes absolutely destroyed my GPA. I’m just feeling like a dumbass, I wish I could start over. Please help me.

what CC do you go to? That plays a part sometimes.

I went to Cuesta for 2 years, and I’ve been at SBCC for 2 (I was trying to go to UCSB for envs when I first moved)

Does your CC have articulation agreements with 4 year colleges within your state? I teach CC and in our state, if students sign an articulation agreement and they meet the requirements, they get guaranteed admission into the college they signed the agreement with.
Just a thought.