my unofficial transcript was uploaded and shows all of my information, am i in?

<p>My status changed FEB, 18 (according to the website)
to "We reviewed your application. We will inform you by postal mail when a decision is made."</p>

<p>and my unofficial transcript was loaded today, indicating prepared feb 19th.
and it shows student number, name, sat scores, gpa, and major that I chose. </p>

<p>today was the first time I checked my unofficial transcript status, so I was wondering if
it is uploaded or it was already like that. </p>

<p>and i saw many comments that if my unofficial transcript got loaded,and if it shows all of my status and information, then it means I got in, i got accepted.
is it true?</p>

<p>I am so nervous...</p>

<p>i think it does mean you’re in. i just checked like THIRTY seconds ago and mine’s uploaded too!!! From everything I’ve heard, it does mean we’ve been accepted, but I won’t believe it until I have the letter in my hand :D</p>

<p>I hope it is trueee! then I will be so excited!!
But yeah same here,… can’t be happy untill i really get the ACCEPTANCE LETTER in my hand lol but yeayyy!!im so happy :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, you guys! :)</p>

<p>haha thank you!
I was almost dying cause of the status… and now
I am so excited!!</p>

<p>oh and yeah</p>

<p>“we reviewed your application. We will inform you by postal mail.”
is this status the very last one?</p>

<p>how long does it take to get postal mail?</p>

<p>Some people got their letter the next day…others took about a week (like mine/in state - 20 min from campus). The packet takes another week or two.</p>

<p>I would say congrats to all that got the transcript to load…we havent heard of anyone yet who didn’t get accepted with that loading!</p>

<p>BTW…nice acceptance letter for a state school! My friend was accepted to WSU, her letter was “Congratulations! Please send us money asap.” UW’s was great, my first acceptance and really made me feel good.</p>

<p>well good news… my status updated two days ago and my transcript loaded that same day… and i just got my acceptance in the mail today! i live about 50 minutes from Seattle…</p>



<p>haha I got the letter today.
yeay :slight_smile:
i think it is true… haha</p>

<p>"We have received all materials required to review your application. Your application will remain in this status until decisions are finalized. We will inform you by postal mail when a decision is made. "</p>

<p>is this the second to last status before it turns to </p>

<p>“We reviewed your application. We will inform you by postal mail when a decision is made.”</p>


<p>my status hasn’t changed since the beginning of January…</p>


<p>I’m in the same situation as you, my status is "We have received all materials required to review your application. Your application will remain in this status until decisions are finalized. We will inform you by postal mail when a decision is made. " and has been since JAN 3rd. </p>

<p>from everything i’ve read, there is one status change left… “We reviewed your application. We will inform you by postal mail when a decision is made.” then we should know.</p>

<p>My status has been in “We have received all your materials…” I’m still waiting for the last status. It has been like that since…DECEMBER 27th!</p>

<p>mine changed from ‘waiting initial review’ straight away to ‘we have reviewed you application’ a few days before they sent me an email saying that they have decided to admit me. no in between status change… There are a couple of people with ‘we have received all your materials’ statuses in my school :/</p>

<p>It is strange how some people got e-mails. We did not, just the upload then about two weeks later the congrats letter. Maybe it depends on the admissions reader??</p>