<p>tonight at midnight or tomorrow at midnight?</p>
<p>No one knows?</p>
<p>i’m curious as to this answer as well</p>
<p>I would think the date of Jan 31st to be included, since the filing period would be Jan. 7 - 31. Anything past the filing period does not count. I’m not completely sure though, I am only going by the other UC application where applications had to be filed by November 30, anything past was too late.</p>
<p>The deadline is Jan 31 for both the update application and Berkeley’s supplement application</p>
<p>January 31st 12am or 11:59pm?</p>
<p>Right now it’s 1:01am so hopefully the latter. >_<</p>
<p>I haven’t even started the essay yet. =/</p>
<p>UC Santa Barbara sent me the reminder:
“UC Application Update - Due Today!”
The date on the letter is Friday, January 30, 2009 8:09 PM
Plus, on the myBerkeleyApplication: “Updates to WIP can be made on the UCOP Pathways Application Update website UNTIL January 31st” and
“Updates made on the Application Update site BY January 31st will be accepted even though they do not reach myBerkeleyApp until AFTER January 31st.”</p>
<p>^ Crap. Looks like I can kiss UCB goodbye.</p>
<p>I better check if I completely everything for the other UCs. o.O</p>
<p>[/feeling really stupid]</p>
<p>Oh, please, do not feel stupid…I am not sure at all. I was just guessing, but I can be wrong. I just found a mistake on my application and I am going to fix it right now anyways
(it is January 31, 1:47 am).</p>
<p>People you all need to relax.</p>
<p>Yawn, you still have PLENTY of time. As long as your stuff gets in by the end of today, your fine. Everyone else, please do not post when you are unsure. The wrong information can cause some serious panic.</p>
<p>You have until 11:59:59pm January 31st 2009 to turn it in.</p>
<p>you know, the best way to avoid all this stress was for you to have finished it earlier. we had almost an entire month to do so…</p>
<p>The deadlines are always for the end of that day. Meaning at Feb. 1 12:00:00 AM is when its late</p>
That’s crazy talk. What kind of sick person are you?</p>
<p>…a person who doesnt have to worried about this crap because he finished his berkeley app…yesterday night. lol</p>
<p>haha, for once I feel like the one not procrastinating. I submitted mine on the 15th. :D</p>
<p>A. Describe an experience you had in a culture different from your own. How would this experience prepare you for a diverse world?</p>
<p>B. If you could change one thing you’ve done in your life, what would it be and how would you do it differently? </p>
<p>So, just out of curiosity, what did you guys decide to write about?</p>
<p>Does everyone have an additional essay they have to write? I believe I did not on my myBerkeleyApp</p>
<p>no only haas people have to do that.</p>
<p>word thanks dawgy dawg</p>
<p>Did anyone else notice that when you create an account for UCSD it references the update and says </p>
<p>“All transfer applicants will receive a communication from the UC Central Processor in mid-January. This will give you details about the Application Update form covering your completed coursework for the Fall term, and your planned/proposed coursework for Winter and/or Spring 2009 terms. This is a required form and the priority deadline to submit it is January 30, 2009.”</p>
<p>You guys think it’s different for cal?</p>