<p>I believe the political science pre-reqs listed on the myberkeleyapp are incorrect because they require:</p>
<p>History of a non-US geographical region: one course -- Hist 4A (European--Ancient), Hist 4B (Medieval), Hist 5 (Renaissance to present); Hist 8A or 8B (Latin American); Hist 10 (Africa); Hist 11 (India); Hist 12 (Middle-East); Hist 6A (China); or Hist 14 (Japan).</p>
<p>According to ASSIST, that is no longer required according to the most recent (2008-2009) articulation agreement. Now, they only require one history course.</p>
<p>My question is whether or not I should make a note of this in the additional comments section?</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m worried because in my update I left the non-US history course section blank and did not explain that my reason for not taking the class is because the requirement changed. Do you think they will hold it against us? If so, how will missing one pre-req as a political science major impact my possibilities of getting accepted?</p>
<p>i called the poli sci dept because i was confused about this as well. She said that poli sci majors only needed ONE history course. It’s confirmed so no worried, i freaked out cus my couselor read off from the 07-08 assist catelog saying that i had to take a history 11 or 12 class. … but i proved her wrong :)</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. I just checked myberkeley and they fixed the issue. I also got an email today that we had to resubmit our information for political science pre-reqs (I’m assuming its because of the issue over which history course(s) were required).</p>