If you have an MyMIT account, open it and use chrome inspect element. Look for “ADMIT-XXX” where “XXX” is a 3 digit number. What is your number? Does anyone have any ideas about this code?
It’s a website changelog
I see it too my number is 358, does it mean anything? Is it same for everyone?
so the new hypothesis is that doesnt mean anything, but in appears people are either getting ADMIT-358, 354, or 384. The current hypothesis is that 358 is unfortunately differ and 354 is accept
however, on a reddit post, peteyMIT said that it does not mean anything, as admissions have not been exported to that server yet… so who knows
I checked and the user on Reddit who said they had 354 was the same user who said they had 384, who later also said they made a mistake and had a 358. I think everyone has a 358, and it doesn’t mean anything
Why 3 numbers though? What if they each represent admit, defer, and reject? (I hope not lol)
After looking through the rest of the website code, I’m pretty sure that ADMIT-xxx is the code for the website updates. There are a few past versions, and it’s stamped with a date.
@student11212 That makes sense. Some date stamps were like 2013 and 2014 (which is totally not related to '23 applicants), I don’t think these numbers have anything to do with decisions.
student11212 is right