Myron Rolle wins Rhodes Scholarship

<p>ESPN</a> - Florida State safety Myron Rolle wins Rhodes Scholarship</p>

<p>Go Noles! :)</p>

<p>I am so glad he won. He sounds like an amazing guy.</p>

<p>Nice choices – NFL pro or OXFORD for FREE! Congratulations Myron!</p>

<p>Go Myron!!!</p>

<p>Go 'Noles!!</p>

<p>This is a great honor. Congratulations Myron!</p>



<p>I hope he doesn’t view this as one of the two “choices”. At the time of his interview, he’s already aware of his NFL opportunities. They asked him what his plan would be at Oxford. I don’t think he would have gotten this if he were saying something like, “Well, there’s a chance I may go to NFL after this season…”. He would (and should) have turned this down if he’s planning to do NFL instead. It’d be cruel to other candidates who want this so much when he’s using this as just a choice. He did say he wanted to be a doctor, not a pro fb player.</p>

<p>Sorry if my comment offended you.</p>

<p>Everyone at FSU is proud of both Myron’s academic as well as his athletic achievements.
It is great to have someone this outstanding represent the school in such a positive way.</p>

<p>Tom McMillen went from Maryland basketball All-American to Rhodes Scholar to the NBA (two years out of college) to the U.S. Congress. Having both the Rhodes and a professional sports career can be done.</p>

<p>I have never heard Myron say much beyond his goals as a medical doctor.</p>

<p>I saw in interview he did Sun or Mon and he indicated he would go to Oxford first, then consider his NFL opportunites before ending up in medical school. I was surprised, as I too had not heard him speak personally about his NFL interest. I guess it is a gig too hard to pass up!!</p>

<p>Can’t say that I blame him - wanting a shot at the NFL…have you seen the cost of med school lately? :eek:</p>

<p>The article says he is going to Oxford for a Medical Anthropology degree and afterward look to the NFL.
He wants to be a neurosurgeon and eventually practice in the Bahamas.</p>

<p>[Rhodes</a> winner Rolle shares plans for the future - News](<a href=“]Rhodes”></p>

<p>Excellent idea.</p>

<p>Myron made it official. He will forgo the NFL draft this year and take his Rhodes scholarship at Oxford, planning to spend a year and earn a Masters in Medical Anthropology. He already has his graduate hours/classes from FSU to add to. </p>

<p>It sounds as if he will then explore a career in the NFL, afterwhich he will look to graduate from medical school and pursue neurosurgery. I am glad he decided to accept the Rhodes scholarship.</p>

<p>This guy is my hero. His priorities are defiantly straight.</p>

<p>He could be president.</p>