<p>don’t get me wrong, i hate myspace just as much as the next person, in fact i even deleted my account for a while. but then i decided that it’s probably best to keep in touch w/ old friends and make new freinds for next year. so everyone post the link to your myspace account!! especially incoming freshmen class of 2009!</p>
<p>sooo i just made a myspace like.. on sunday? (haha and kendall found me like on monday... btw we can use first names now right? or should i not =P) soo I can't make a myspace group.. (you have to wait 7 days) ..so... </p>
<p>someone else should make a University of California-Berkeley Class of 2009 group thing.</p>
<p>then we can all just join that and it'lll be so much easier.</p>
<p>That is actually my college essay with a few adjustments....
There wasn't cursing or slang in the essay, but the arrogance and what not was more than apparent.</p>
<p>It might seem arrogant at first, but get take the time to know me, and I guarantee you I'm not a snob....</p>