<p>see this link Completing 2014 Summer/Fall Freshman Decisions:
<a href=“http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2771a119c0572a7259c78854f&id=25402d071a&e=e5a7bf9757”>http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2771a119c0572a7259c78854f&id=25402d071a&e=e5a7bf9757</a></p>
<p>When did this ^^ come out??</p>
<p><a href=“http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2771a119c0572a7259c78854f&id=25402d071a&e=e5a7bf9757”>http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2771a119c0572a7259c78854f&id=25402d071a&e=e5a7bf9757</a>
Tomorrow we know</p>
<p>So more likely Friday or Saturday?</p>
<p>Today is the day guys</p>
<p>Does anyone happen to have a time estimate?</p>
<p>About the time that the admissions office closes for the weekend. 5 pm central.</p>
<p>Ah. So no need checking it now. Haha.</p>
<p>What does the time when admission office is closed have to do with decisions automatically released by computer/ server? </p>
<p>UF did it the same way…Friday after closing. I think to eliminate people calling immediately since this wave will have rejections.</p>
<p>Yeah Ya Ya, I’m aware that admissions are released by the computer but they send them right before they leave for the weekend to avoid having to answer an influx of phonecalls due to rejections/questions etc.</p>
<p>Lol… 4 more hours then?</p>
<p>I’ve been trying to log in to mystatus for 30 minutes and as far as I can tell I think the server may have crashed </p>
<p>Down for me too </p>
<p>I bet they took it down to load their responses. </p>
<p>I was just able to log on, but I was still in review.</p>
<p>And I also got a few 502’s</p>
<p>The server didn’t “crash.” Instead they just blocked incoming requests to load data. What data exactly? I don’t know, maybe admissions maybe not. </p>
<p>-___________________________- for how long?</p>
<p>Do they block the system to load all that data at once? I think UF has system in place where a program hides the decision so that they can load several times at night…then when it’s time to release the decision the program uncovers it.</p>