<p>So, someone named D. Nadler is teaching Math 110 next sem, does anyone know who he is? I'm thinking to take it as long as he's not an psychoticly hard professor.</p>
<p>This will be his first year at Cal. I read one of his papers on loop spaces and I can tell you that he likes topology…</p>
<p>So there’s no data about how hard he is unless you go ask people who took one of his classes at Northwestern…</p>
<p>Ah, yeah, I’ve been digging, unfortunately, I can’t seem to find anything regarding teaching ability. Highly intelligent no doubt, but a good teacher? No idea. Clearly has teaching experience, but… such a large class (250 students) for a Profs first semester at a new Uni (especially Cal?). Makes me just a bit weary.</p>