National Hispanic Recognition Program - Class of 2018

I see that some Juniors have just been notified by College Board that they are eligible for the National Hispanic Recognition Program based on their Fall 2016 PSAT scores. The cutoff scores for qualifying are Regional I believe (Northeast, MidAtlantic, Southeast, etc…)

**Does anyone know the cutoffs for making it this year?

*Also, if you are a scholar and just were notified, please share your state and your score (of the cutoff score if you know it!) Thanks!

I don’t know of any cut off scores but I know you must score in the top 2.5% of Hispanic PSAT Test Takers.

221 was my index (1480) and in FL

I called NHRP and learned that this year, they are using your four digit score for the first time. The cutoffs are regional, not by state. AimingTop50, you got a great score!

Thanks Southern5062, I hope you got in as well!

My sat score comes back in a few days so I’m nervous

“Class of 2018: The National Hispanic Recognition Program minimum score for the State Of Florida is 1360.”

My D is in FL and has qualified with 1390.

Virginia and got in with PSAT score of 1410 (210). Waiting for first SAT score results to be released on Thursday 2/23.

Also the next big ‘waiting game’ is to see what the cutoff score will be for National Merit Commended Scholar. (I know I wasn’t high enough for semi-finalist but would love to just be “Commended” which is the top 3% of students tested. There is one number for the entire US (not by state or region) and is predicted to be around 209-210 for the cutoff. I think we should know in April?

^ I am pretty sure you will find out in September along with the National Merit Semifinalists. Yes, that is a long time.

Also waiting on the sat !!! Good luck.

In California D got invited with a 1430. Does anybody know if there is another cut before receiving the recognition or is it automatic if your GPA and ethnicity are verified?

It is automatic if your GPA and ethnicity are verified

I believe so. Your GPA just has to be above a 3.5 unweighted. Once that (and at least 25% Hispanic ethnicity) is confirmed, I believe you are good to go.

I got an invitation with a 1360 (from California)

I was invited with a 1370 (California)

Invited with a 1300 from Pennsylvania

Invited with 1430 in NJ

Hi, do any of you know when we are told we got in? And also when do they send the certificates?

Applicants will be notified in late the fall. Students receiving recognition with the NHRP will receive an award letter and certificate mailed to their home address. Non-recipients will be notified via email.

My daughter received her NHRP letter today confirming her as a 2017-2018 scholar. We are in Florida. Just wanted to let everyone know the letters have gone out!

My son received his recognition letter yesterday. We live in Michigan and his PSAT NMSC index was 209 (total score 1380, 99th percentile.)

Thanks for the info guys, hopefully I receive that letter soon (FL)