National Hispanic Recognition Program - Class of 2018



1360 in Florida

Cutoff scores are by region, not state. Last year for the southwest region, which includes the state of Texas, the cutoff score was 1280.

Does anyone knows around what time the students who made the list this school year (c/o19) will find out.

@NCas03 We, the class of 2018, found out via email on February 1st, so probably around then.

I called NHRP today and they said the cut off is released 2/1/18 for this years high school juniors … so tomorrow

Does anyone know when the commended scholar cut off will be released for the kids who took the PSAT in October of 2017

Yes - I called this morning. For Texas, the cutoff is 1270 for graduating class of 2019

Cutoff for California is 1280. They will be sending emails this afternoon

The cutoff for Michigan is 1310

The cut-off for Georgia is 1370

Has anyone received an invitation yet?

Not yet. Called, and was told it was going to be this afternoon. My D had above the cutoff score

Last year my daughter was way above the cutoff and hadn’t received the email. I had to contact them to get an invite code. So my advice is to call when you see you haven’t gotten the email.

Ok. Thank you

My daughter just received her invitation in New York. The cutoff here is 1320.

My DD received her invitation this morning 11am. We are NJ

NY 1490

What if you are close but miss the cutoff by 10 points? Will you still be considered by schools as a hispanic high achiever if you meet the other qualifications? Not sure it matters if you miss it.