National Hispanic Recognition Program Class of 2021

I agree. It’s a little disappointing.

My kid did not receive an email but is well above 1360 and identified as Hispanic on the PSAT forms. We are in the southeast. Does anyone know if the CB releases emails in waves? Anyone in the southeast get an email today?

@OneMoreToGo2021 I am from southeast, I got email today under rural /small town category.

West went up from 1290 to 1360. The Southeast (I am assuming this is South) is usually 1350+, so the cutoff score may have went up.

I thought it was a nice idea to add the other minority groups. I am not understanding the point of adding the random group of “small town” (or not so small town) high schools - it would be one thing if they were all very rural, but I see on the list some high schools I know that are located in populated, suburban, not-remotely-disadvantaged areas, a couple in our school district.

276 pages x >60 schools per page = >16k high schools. That’s more than half the high schools in the US, I think. Please tell me I did that wrong? Just guestimating, but if that’s correct, then what is the point? Why not just have another level below Commended?

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I agree. It’s hard to fathom the cutoffs increased so much when it was widely known the the PSAT scores (in the higher 1200+ ranges) reduced so much. Predictions were the qualifying scores would go down considerably. Unless they changed the % of awarded. But if the % of awarded is the same, I’d expect the cutoffs go down. My two cents.

So, just as an example, I looked up a public high school on the list that seems suspicious (assuming the point of the rural/small town category was to identify students who are disadvantaged). Its average SAT is in the 1100s; it offers 29 APs.

Goodbye NHRP.

I’d like to get feedback on whether or not other regions increased overall. Assuming they are doing a regional score, as they had in the past. National Merit qualifying scores went down. This doesn’t make sense.


At least three high schools on here that I know are in a very advantaged district, lots of APs offered, not in the least bit rural or small. This is ridiculous.

Does anyone know what the other regions cutoffs were? Art Sawyer (Compass Prep) noted scores went down, and not by an insignificant amount. So all of this is perplexing to me.

How are the regions classified East/West…? DD21 received an email that she was in the top 2% we are on the west coast (Calif). How can I tell what the cutoff was?

My son also did not receive an email - scored 1400 in the Midwest, I thought that would be high enough?

Yeah, I would imagine that 1400 would be enough. Ours scored a 1500, so it is impossible to imagine that doesn’t make all cutoffs in the South, but still no email today…

I got the email earlier today under the Hispanic/Latino category with a 1410 in the South region (Texas specifically if that matters).

Does anyone know if the GPA they are asking for on the application is weighted or unweighted? It just says cumulative and on a 4.0 scale or equivalent. They didn’t specify. Thoughts?

My son received an email today (3/27/20) advising he made the top 2.5%. His PSAT score was 1290; We’re in Texas.

Anyone hear anything re: cutoffs for Hispanic in New England? (Are there different cutoffs based on the ethnicity?)

We’re in Austin, Texas and my daughter made a 1420. We have not received an email. Can she apply without an email?

@jabmom Yes, see the link in post #8. (Maybe she didn’t check the Hispanic box on the PSAT.)

Can anyone explain: the website says “Achieve the minimum required PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index Score for their region.” But it sounds like there are different cutoffs for different states. (Colorado is 1340.) Maybe they forgot to update the website? Something seems odd about this whole thing.