National Hispanic Recognition Program Class of 2021

Yes, I don’t understand why they don’t just publish the cutoffs. DS was an NHRP scholar a couple years ago (for which we were really excited and grateful, don’t get me wrong) but the whole thing seemed needlessly mysterious. The cutoffs were by region then.

@Barriosuenos I have a 1400 as well and I’m in the Midwest. I got my e-mail a couple days ago, so maybe they’re just sending the e-mails in batches.

It must be by state now. Just got this from CBRP via email:

The College Board Hispanic cutoff score for Massachusetts is 1330.

The College Board Rural cutoff score for Massachusetts is 1400.

If the cutoffs are by state and category, the jump in scores from last year’s regional scores for NHRP still do not make sense. One would think that, within one of the old regions, there would be states with higher and lower cutoffs compared to last year’s cutoff for that region. However, while we don’t have a lot of data here, it doesn’t sound like any states have a lower cutoff compared to their region’s cutoff from last year for Hispanic. There are only higher ones, and they are substantially higher. (Not even getting to the issue with PSAT scores being lower across the board thanks to the Oct 16 curve…)

The College Board Hispanic cutoff score for CA is 1270.

It may be that hispanic juniors are so numerous as to have pulled the old regional cutoff down to 1280. (now CO is 1340, AZ is 1360.)

If we receive the invite we don’t need to attach the psat score report plus right?

So it’s safe to say there is no more “regional” score like before. What a mess.

In the Midwest, still haven’t received an email, maybe he didn’t make the cutoff score.
I know he marked Hispanic because he’s received invitations to summer programs.
I’m not sure if they’re still sending out emails.

@Barriosuenos You can email CBRP ( and ask them what the Hispanic cutoff is for your state. They’ll respond within a few hours or a day.

I wish they’d simply publish a list for all states. I don’t understand the secrecy (same for National Merit) other than possible push-back on the big differences between states.

How many days was I sitting here railing on them for their dumb small town category when apparently it didn’t even affect the Hispanic cutoff. A little transparency would go a long way.

(Still not understanding how the cutoffs went so high when PSAT scores dropped, but that’s a separate question.)

Florida is 1350.

Don’t worry yet. My kid also gets those invites (including “Saludos desde [some college or other that I never heard of and cannot remember]”) and never received an email even though is 150 points about the cutoff. It sounds like NHRP might be a little disorganized this year.

We are in the Midwest (Wichita, KS) and heard back that the cutoff in Kansas is 1380 this year.

DS didn’t get an email either (MA, Hispanic) though he scored above the cutoff.

I still don’t understand why these cutoffs for the Hispanic category have increased so much in some states, especially if the overall PSAT scores this year decreased.
It just doesn’t make any sense (to me at least).

This is just a theory, but since this award used to be for a single ethnic group but is now for several groups, is it possible the cutoff went up so as to keep the number of students awarded the same neighborhood? I have no idea of course, but I’ve been wondering the same thing, how the cutoff could have gone up in light of the PSAT scores were down overall. It seems like it must be to keep the total # of students who win awards down, when they are adding several categories. (???)

@chunkylegs That’s what I was wondering upthread, but it looks like I was wrong. Each category apparently gets its own cutoff by state.

If PSAT scores were the same as last year, the math might work to explain some individual-state cutoffs this year being much higher than the regional cutoff last year (e.g. the west region, with smaller high-cutoff states plus the much larger California with a lower cutoff). However, with NM cutoffs coming down this year, it’s intuitively hard to believe the high cutoffs.

Apart from cutoffs etc, does anyone know if the NHRP is actually worth applying to? Like what does it do? If I indicate that I’m hispanic on my college application & submit my scores, wouldn’t they already know that I qualified

@aela00 You don’t submit PSAT scores. It is a national award to list in the app. There are some colleges that gave merit scholarships for NHRP. (For your app, keep in mind that it’s now called CBRP.)

I’m in Arizona where the cutoff score is 1360, but I got a 1330 and still got the email to register for the NHRP. Is this a mistake?

My son received an invite. We are in Virginia and his score was 1460 - 750/710.