National Hispanic Recognition Program Class of 2022

Thanks for the info! I wonder if the threshold might be lower this year because of fewer kids taking the PSAT due to Covid.

Did your daughter meet the other assessment criteria they are using now? like for example, did she get 3 or above in at least two AP tests since 9th grade? I have no idea what the PSAT cutoff on Texas is but I know my son meets the AP criteria so he should qualify, but we havenā€™t got an email (?). He also has above 3.5 GPA and is Hispanic and therefore meets the other criteriaā€¦ I believe he qualifies so anxiously waitingā€¦ He got 1260 in his PSAT.

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Sheā€™s only just taking her first AP class this year, is signed up for 2 next year. She has a 4.0 GPA and is hispanic. She got an e-mail from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund ā€œbecause of your strong academic performance and your College Board profileā€, but I think thatā€™s different from the NHRP. Iā€™m new to all of this and pretty clueless, unfortunately.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is indeed different from NHRP, but you should look into it.

HSF: Home

Iā€™m having trouble finding anyone whoā€™s posted cut off numbers for Indiana, but I did find some info online with useful data. Looks like College Board publishes annual reports per state with the info weā€™re looking for, though itā€™s not spelled out exactly. I found an 18-page doc titled SAT Suite of Assessments Annual Report Indiana by College Board which includes a breakdown of PSAT scores by grade levels, percentages, and by every demographic. So based on this info I can see that my sonā€™s score falls in the top 5% of 10th grade scorers in IN and in the top 10% of scorers if heā€™s being compared with 10th and 11th graders combined. The info on the program doesnā€™t specify if the 10th graders are supposed to be in the top 10% of all 10th graders only who took the PSAT that year or of all test takers who took the test that year. Either way, I think he makes the cut off.

So try googling this document with your own stateā€™s name to find the data you need.

Thank you! I also asked my guidance counselor to take a look so Iā€™ll update yā€™all as soon as she gets back to me. Congrats btw!

Thank you! This gives me more peace of mind. I know there are a lot of scammers that pose as collegeboard so like I said, this makes me feel less anxious. Congrats btw!

Thank you! That was super-helpful! But UGH, because of the breakdown I still canā€™t tell if my son qualifies!

Iā€™m not sure how we can find the top 10% for our state? Someone posted a link to the annual report, but it doesnā€™t break it down quite like that. It shows percentages of students scoring 1400-1520, and 1200-1390. Soā€¦if you scored around 1300 or whatever, you donā€™t know what percentage that is and if you qualify. Or is there another place that gives the exact cutoff??

Is anyone who qualified from Missouri willing to post their score so we can get an idea of the cutoff and who is qualifying? Thanks! My son got a 1320ā€¦seems like that would be closeā€¦but is it enough?!

Try contacting the College Board at National Recognition Program: Contact Us

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That is the correct one. You have the invitation. Congratulations

National Recognition Program and Hispanic Scholarship Fund are not the same thing.

National Recognition Program:
National Recognition Program: Home

Hispanic Scholarship Fund:
HSF: Home

@EsAhoraDeComer As NJEngineerDad noted, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund is different from NHRP. My daughter did both last year so I can tell you a little bit about the HSF.

The HSF offers scholarship opportunities if there is a financial need as well as other various resources and programs for HSF Scholars.

My son received an email inviting him to apply for the HSF Youth Leadership Institute (YLI). Is that what you received? If so, my daughter attended that seminar last year. Normally it is held on college campuses (maybe 3 of them?), but it was virtual last year and will be virtual again this year. It is a week-long program that basically provides tools and knowledge to help scholars with their college application process, scholarship information, leadership skills, career workshops, mentors, etc. While my daughter knew some of the information being provided, she said it was very helpful. She enjoyed it and wished it would have been in person.

As for scholarships, CBRP does not offer scholarships. It is an award/recognition that an applicant can put on a transcript and college application. However, some universities offer CBRP recipients scholarships.

HSF has their own scholarship fund, so the scholarship would be earned through them. I donā€™t know of any universities that will offer a scholarship for being a HSF scholar, but I am not 100% sure.

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Yes, college board sent out emails ~a week ago

Yes emails were sent

Thanks for the info! ASUā€™s Barrett Honors College offers a generous scholarship for those hispanics who score in the top 10% of hispanics in the state.

HI! Did anyone who is African American in California or AZ get a 1330 or under and qualify?

Hello, new to this whole thing. My son received a notification that he was invited to apply. Does that mean he will receive it as long as his GPA qualifies? He was within the 90th percentile. We are homeschoolers and not sure how this works. Thanks for any help!

His GPA is 4.0 across home - Dual Enrollment and coop programs so that should be no problem.