National Hispanic Recognition Program- PSAT Score Cut-Offs for Class of 2018

The PSAT scores came out yesterday and I have been getting a lot of questions about what is the NHRP score cut-off for the various regions. If anyone knows what scores are needed, could you please post it here.

Also if you know what scores qualifed for Class of 2017 could you please also post that here. With the new changes to the PSAT, our old data for NHRP is no longer relevant.


This is what I could find searching this site:

New England - 194
Mid Atlantic
South - 204
Southwest -191
West - 193

@Dolemite Thank you for that information.

@itsv Good question! “With the new changes to the PSAT, our old data for NHRP is no longer relevant.”
I am curious to see how the scores/resuts and cutoff for the new PSAT format deviate from previous years cutoffs (old PSAT format).

FYI. My son got his email yesterday congratulating him on NHRP and inviting him to complete the application.

We are in AZ. His index score is 195

I remember going through this with his sisters HS classes of 2012 and 2015 and I found this site and these threads very helpful so hopefully this helps someone new to all of this.

Sorry, forgot to include, he is class of 2018 and took PSAT October 2016.

Not to belittle anyone’s achievements here but I have a hard time grasping why my daughter’s best friend who scored 20 points lower on the index score has honors and scholarship opportunities bestowed upon her because her grandfather was born in Spain!
They are both great kids who attend a private school-- though the friend is significantly more advantaged financially.
I have no thought that my daughter’s 218 will be semi-finalist material in CA.
Is it just me or is this strange?

When my children were growing up and they started a sentence with, I don’t mean to (insert negative word here), but… I told them that’s exactly what they were about to do.

So, dragonmom3, congratulations to you daughter on her awesome score and to your daughter’s friend who appears to have scored a 198. It seems they will both have honors bestowed upon them. As I know nothing about circumstances of either child, nor you of mine, I choose to celebrate them all.

For anyone else who may find the information helpful, I hope that it is.

@Mommabo Congrats to your S!

Who was the email addressed from? NHRP or College Board? That way I can have my D check her email. She won’t mention it to me unless I tell her to go look

I called NHRP today because we had not received either a letter or an email. They answered immediately and gave me the info right away. My son made the cutoff for Virginia (yoo-hoo!!) and she said both a letter and email were both sent about 7-10 days ago. Both would have come from “College Board”. They immediately emailed me a copy of the letter with his invitation number to go online and apply. (She confirmed that she had the corret address and email - so not sure why nothing arrived.)

I suggest calling them at 866-545-8467.

FYI, she did say that this year, for the first time, they are using the actual four-digit score, not the one in the 100’s-200’s as they did in the past. So Virginia had a cutoff of 1360 and my son had a 1410. The cutoffs are REGIONAL, not by state. I think Virgnia is Mid-Atlantic or Northeast and their score is always one of the highest cutoffs. SO if you are in the south or any region where the National Merit Score is usually in the middle or lower than the Northeast, you probably will make NHRP with a score lower than 1360. That was just for our Region. Good luck everyone!

*** Also, as an FYI, I do believe Arizona State still gives full tuition for NHRP Scholars. No room and board but still - full tuition is great!

The email was to my son. He usually deletes quite a bit, so glad he was alert for this one.

Interesting about using the 4 digit score rather than the index. I’ll have to look it up to post here later in case it helps those still waiting to hear.

As for ASU, yes they have awesome scholarships for NM and NHRP students. D2 attends Barrett there and is very happy. I can’t speak to out of state scholarship amounts as we are in state, but it covers her tuition with a bit left over that covers books and such. We cover room and board. Actually the awards just went up the year after D2 started there. When she inquired, she was told the out of state students would receive the increased amount, but not in state. Luckily she just landed an RA job next year so at least one year will be fully covered. Whew, since grad school is in her future.

UA also has great scholarships for these same students. Our oldest D1 went there and loved it. Both girls are/were in the honors colleges, but they are vastly different programs with Barrett winning that one. Having said that, UA was perfect fit for D1 who attended there and S will likely follow in her footsteps.

@Mommabo Question: are we automatically accepted once we apply and they see our gpa is above the requirement? Is that all too it?

“Class of 2018: The National Hispanic Recognition Program minimum score for the State Of Florida is 1360.”

My Daughter goes to ASU at Barrett as well…we’re out of state and it covers all tution and fees. We pay for room and board.

I just called to ask about Texas - the minimum score is 1280. Missed it by thismuch!

My daughter is out of state, a junior at ASU’s downtown campus. She received full tuition from the scholarship, but not room and board. My second daughter is a high school senior and was offered the same. It’s an incredible value. They also have friends who are not hispanic who were offered similar scholarships, though the amount wasn’t quite as high. I recommend looking into those scholarships, if your student didn’t receive this one.

@COSpgsparent we are visting ASU this summer and doing a tour. Any feedback on culture, community, general experience?

My daughter is a senior there. She’s had outstanding internships and advising. The school is very organized…people running the place know what they’re doing and respond quickly to questions. There’s great cultural diversity. My daughter lives downtown, but it’s easy for her to get to Tempe for the classes she has there, or if she wants to see a game, etc. I highly recommend the school.

Thanks! We all enjoyed the tour. It left a very good impression.

I agree with you; I am a senior this year as well, and scored a 215 index score. Unfortunately, both of my parents are white, and I live in the great state of Texas. Therefore, my only consolation for the hours I spent studying and the PSAT camp I attended last summer is the title of National Merit Commended, which is as worthless as it is long!

I just wish that they wouldn’t count person’s ethnicity or geographical location when giving such prestigious awards; it should be based solely on merit.