National hispanic recognition program

I just found out that the qualifying score for NHRP is 194 for Connecticut. Last year it was 186. Why is it so high this year?

Only the college board knows for sure.

I think this is unfair with Hispanic students. The cut off score for national merit stayed the same but for Hispanics went up 8 points from last year? This means less students having a chance to receive this recognition.


No one knows if the nmsf cut-score will go up, down, or stay the same. They won’t be released until September.

I believe the same percentage of Hispanic test takers will be recognized. The cutoff went up because test takers performed better on the new test than in the past.

Plus the cut-off score is based on the results of Hispanic juniors taking the test. If the score cut-off goes up then it means Hispanics are doing better on the test and that is a good thing. I know it can be disappointing if you are counting on one score and the cut-off comes in higher. My DD during her year saw a 6 point increase when for years it was the lower score, luckily she had gone up 8 points.

Also as others have mentioned, the new psat saw a huge increase in scores so there has to be an upward adjustment to reflect the same percentage, e.g. NHRP is awarded to top 1% of Hispanic juniors taking the test.

It appears to be 2% as the NHRP info on college board says approximately 5,000 out 250,000 that take it.

I would not assume Hispanic students are doing better, it is just a completely different test so the scores are not comparable to previous years.

Well it seems all test takers performed “better” as scores across the board seem to have risen. The most likely cause is that the test is “easier” than in the past. If you just want to say they are scoring higher that’s fine it’s all semantics.

Any of you guys get an email yet from the NHRP? I know I made the cutoff and I know I marked hispanic because I received an email for a hispanic recognition banquet at UMBC.

I haven’t gotten an email and I made the cutoff for Texas. It’s been 3 days since they should’ve started going out, I’m getting worried.

Someone in another thread in the ACT/SAT prep section said that mail codes were sent out Friday and emails will be sent Monday, so hopefully that is true.

I wouldn’t worry until other people start posting they got theirs. My daughter hasn’t received hers.

Just got my email 15 minutes ago.

I got my email about an hour ago. It’s good that scores are increasing though because that means more Hispanic students are receiving better educations.

I’ve received my scores as well. Anyone know what the cutoffs are for Finalist vs Honorable Mention?

@kjm23giant National Hispanic Recognition Program doesn’t have finalist. If you are at the cutoff score for your region you are invited to apply and as long as all goes well you are recognized.

If you are referring to National Merit then there are threads speculating on the cutoff scores for each state for National Merit Semifinalist as well as Commended status.

My daughter got hers today too.

I got mine today. Does anyone know if you can still be eligible if you’re graduating early? I know you have to do four years for the NM but I can’t find anything saying you have to do four years for the NHRP. I’m thinking it would be worth it to stay the last year of high school to be able to qualify since I was planning on going to U of A anyway, which offers a great scholarship for being a finalist.

son just got letter-said you are in top 2.5%; need to submit verifiaction letter from school registrar confirming registered hispanic at HS and weighted gpa which need to be 3.5 or higher to get nhrp-registrar fills out and signs then you upload doc on college board site and submit