National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>The GPA thing is a bit unclear. Here is our experience…S scored a 200 or something close in VA (I forget and it is only a year ago!)…his weighted GPA was a 3.7 but his regular UW was a 3.3 but the school only calculates the 3.7. I assume the GC indicated that his GPA was above 3.5. S did get the scholar status.</p>

<p>Check with the GC to see what she/he is asked to supply to the college board. It should be weighted. For applications, my S had to calculate UW GPA and he definitely was not eligible for some scholarships but did get others related to NHscholar.</p>

<p>I called NHRP last year to make sure I understood what they wanted, and they told me the school can report either weighted on UW so that if it made a difference in designation to make sure the school reported the weighted number.</p>

Thanks for all the advice that appears on this website.
I have some questions regarding NHRP.
My daughter is a NM candidate with a 220 Psat. She did her test last October. She is Hispanic, born in Argentina. But the school did not received any letters asking for her information for the NHRP. She thinks she marked Hispanic on the Psat, but she does not remember for sure. Could it be possible that the cutoff for NHR is higher than the cutoff for NMs’? Do we know what is the cutoff for CA?
Is it possible that we need to contact someone to make sure her Hispanic information was included? Is it too late?
Last question, is it possible for someone who did not qualify for NM candidate to qualify for NHRP?</p>

<p>Many thanks!</p>


<p>While technically it would be possible to qualify for NMSF but not NHRP, it’s highly unlikely. That 220 should put her in great shape.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s too late. Just call the NHRP office (they’re really nice) and ask about checking that designation. Here’s an old thread about the same thing, and you’ll note that it was July! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Agree with Yds, it’s not too late. My D2 has not been notified by her GC yet, even though I know that she marked Hispanic on her PSAT. If she doesn’t get word by the end of the month, I’ll have the GC contact NHRP as shown in the above link.</p>

<p>Has anyone in CA heard yet. I’m wondering whether to have my son follow up with his GC again. The first time she told him that she wouldn’t hear until the fall. Makes me worried.</p>

<p>tahoe, people have reported the CA cutoff on another thread, so some kids have gotten their paper work. Your GC is correct that she wouldn’t know officially until the fall whether you made the Scholar cutoff, but you should hear this spring that you’re in the running. I’d call.</p>

<p>Thanks youdon’tsay!</p>

<p>tahoepine, i haven’t heard from CA either. I went to talk to my counselor and she said that nothing has come in yet. I confirmed the cutoff score for NHRP to be 184 :)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>We are in Ca and have been waiting all month to here from GC regarding NHRP. Finally called the College board on Friday and they indicated all nominations had been sent out. E-mailed GC and she found my son’s nomination in her mail. Yea!! Diligent followup seems to be the key.</p>

<p>^Thanks for the information, I’ll have my D2 follow up with her GC next week. We don’t have a large Hispanic population at our HS, but since D1 was NHRP, you’d think they’d get it together this time around, not.</p>

<p>Welcome to CC hismom2 and congrats to your S!</p>

<p>Good job, hismom. No one will be a child’s advocate like his/her parents.</p>

<p>Interesting, I just got a phone call from our HS notifying me that my D2 got NHRP and that the award ceremony is next week. That’s kinda strange because NHRP doesn’t actually confirm the awards until next fall. Oh well, I guess I’ll go and see what happens, but I’ll be sure to ask if they responded to NHRP with her gpa and Hispanic status, I wouldn’t be surprised if they think this is the final notification :rolleyes:.</p>

<p>If I haven’t heard anything yet, is it time to call the College Board and/or my high school?</p>

<p>Yes, I think it is as it sounds like NHRP has notified all GCs. I suggest that you go to your GC and direct them to the NHRP website:</p>

<p>[National</a> Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP)](<a href=“]National”>Scholarships and Recognition with PSAT/NMSQT - SAT Suite)</p>



<p>I still have not received anything :(. I will notify my counselor tomorrow :/</p>

<p>I am wondering if anyone has heard anything about the future of NHRP at the University of Alabama. I am at the National Speech and Debate Tournament in KC with my rising junior S. Bama had a booth in the Expo Center and the admissions person told me he thought they may be discontinuing it at Bama. He did not know the reasons why. I hate to hear that as it seems to be one of the most generous!</p>

<p>I haven’t heard anything, but there’s a frequent poster on the FA forum, mom2collegekids, who has kids attending UAlabama and seems to know quite a bit about the school. I’d say to keep an eye on their website this summer and in the fall to see if they change it. Unfortunately state schools are really being hit hard with lower tax revenues, I know ours are taking a 9% reduction across the board.</p>

<p>Just talked to our HS GC, she hasn’t received anything from NHRP yet this year. Well, at least she was aware of it and knows that it should have come. And she says that she can do it in the fall if necessary as she did it last year for a student who forgot to put Hispanic on his PSAT. Not the most comforting but that’s the way it is for now.</p>