National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>Doesn’t appear that you met the cutoff. Did you ask your GC about it?</p>

<p>ozmac, see my post #472, May 17 was the earliest post of a GC notifying a student last year. That’s today, so anytime!</p>

Usually NHRP only sends paperwork for students who have made the cutoff. Talk to your GC and have them (or you) call NHRP to get clarification as unfortunately your score looks low.</p>

<p>How do the NHRP Advisors verify ethnicity? All my Hispanic family members are dead so they can’t verify for me.</p>

<p>Typically your GC verifies based on the fact that you have been marking Hispanic on self-identification forms. However, the term Hispanic is often confusing since it is separate from race, but until recently forms had you mark either Hispanic or a racial category. This has resulted in many people not designating themselves as Hispanic on school forms even though they think of themselves as Hispanic. </p>

<p>If you haven’t previously marked Hispanic on school forms, tests, etc., do you have any paperwork for your parents, etc. (it would probably help if you gave more details of your family situation if you feel comfortable doing so).</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Entomom, thanks for letting me know about last year’s earliest notification date. My son goes to a Catholic school and they were closed for a holy day on May 16th and May 17th. Hopefully, we will hear something next week.</p>

<p>Hi Everyone. Daughter was notified by GC that form was received on Thursday, May 17.</p>

<p>^Congratulations to her!</p>

<p>Hope to hear lots more in the coming weeks.</p>

<p>Hi All,
My son received the form from his GC today. He is going to sign it and return it to her tomorrow.</p>

<p>We live in a suburb of New York City and the GC has still not called my son in. Has anyone in NY been informed yet? I am anxious as my son’s GC is notoriously inefficient.</p>

<p>After I sent the guidance office a couple of emails, I was finally notified by the secretary that my son is on the NHRP list. Now I just have to make sure they send the forms back.</p>

<p>Congrats to your S omzac!</p>

<p>Thanks, entomom!</p>

<p>So, my ds talked to his GC today, and she said they haven’t gotten anything. What does the paper work say? Does something have to be returned? Should I be concerned, or just let the wheels grind slowly? I don’t remember this problem with ds1.</p>

<p>I believe there is something for the student to sign and the GC has to confirm Hispanic background and provide the gpa (it can be weighted).</p>

<p>I don’t think you have to be worried, as we have had people get recognition as late as the fall. To be safe, if you haven’t heard anything from your GC a couple of weeks before school ends for the summer, I’d advise you have the GC call NHRP who will provide them with the paperwork.</p>

<p>School’s out Tuesday.</p>

<p>Have your S go to their GC tomorrow. Show them the NHRP website and tell them what the PSAT cutoff is for your Region. Ask the GC to call or email NHRP immediately and tell them that they believe they have a student that qualifies but that they haven’t received forms and school is closing for the summer. </p>

<p>HS staff often work a few days after classes finish, so hopefully they can take care of this now. If not, there really is time in the fall (sounds like your HS starts early?)</p>

<p>This is what it says on the website:</p>

<p>"When are schools and students notified?
“Counselors are notified in early May of any students who are being considered from their high school. They are asked to verify each student’s cumulative GPA and ethnicity. In late August of the student’s senior year, a formal letter of congratulations is sent to each recipient. A certificate is sent your counselor for presentation.”</p>

<p>I called CB. The woman basically said that it’s no big deal because students aren’t supposed to be notified until September. I don’t want to **** off the counselor by bugging her. I might be an idiot, but I’m going to trust that it’ll be OK.</p>

<p>It’ll be fine in the fall.</p>

<p>Okay, I’m kind of worried. </p>

<p>I received a score of 206 on the PSAT, but I haven’t heard from my counselor about NHRP. I received a letter earlier this spring about National Merit and my advancement in terms of that award, but I haven’t heard from my GC about this. However, the main reason I am worried is that my school mixed up my ethnicity once before, and I’m afraid that my GC didn’t fix it. Should I call my school and ask, or should I just wait until the fall?</p>

<p>My school has been out for about 3 weeks.</p>